:) Chapter six

239 11 23

Oct, 23, 2010
First entry.

I was sitting on the ground by glenn who was standing up, He was pouting and mumbling about he's cool car. I was writing in my journal smiling, it was great to have my big brother back.

I heard foot steps crunch on the leafs, it was a satisfying but annoying sound. I hated how it made my ears ring and the way it made me want to cringe and hold my ears.

I looked up to see who it was, it was carls dad.

I think he's name is dick or something, Before you go and say the name dick is outstanding and oddly rude of me to think it would make sense one of carls favorite robins is grayson or also known as dick. So therefore if he's fathers name was dick it would make sense.

"Look at 'em. Vultures." Glenn gestured towards dale and the others tearing the car apart. "Yeah, go on, strip it clean."

"Generators need every drop of fuel they can get." Dale looked up at glenn and dick "Got no power without it. Sorry, Glenn."

Dick came and squatted next to me, "What you writing there?"

"Journal entrys." I simply said as i put the pencil behind my left ear. "I keep up with the dates, Not sure what time it is though."

Dick hummed, "What is the date?"

"Uh..October twenty-third."

A look of confusion flashed over he's face. "Do you know the year? Is it still two thousand and ten?"

"Yeah its still the same year."

He patted me on the shoulder. "Thank you, uh.." he drawled off. "I'm sorry i didn't catch your name."


"Like the sweet tea." He smiled. "Im rick, From what ive seen you and my boy are close."

Oh so he's name wasn't dick, Mhm well there goes that idea about the whole robin thing.

"He's my best friend." I smiled. "And only friend, besides glenn but hes more like a brother."

"Brothers and best friends are two different categories." Rick chuckled. "I like the way you think, kid."

"I do have one more question." He picked at the grass. "Do you know where my said son is?"

Do i know where carl is, No i dont think I've seen him. Uhh did he say anything last night about where he might be? No i dont think so.

"No i haven't seen him so far."

"Thanks, Milo." He patted me on the shoulder and stood up dusted he's pants off. "Tell me if you see him."

"I really wanted to drive that car a few more days." Glenn pouted and crossed he's arms, he looked like a angry toddler.

Rick patted glenn on the shoulder as he passed him. "Maybe we'll get to steal another cool car one day."

As Rick walked off, i closed my journal and stood up. I began walking towards our tent.

"Where you going?" Glenn yelled after me.

"Going to look for carl." I turned and faced him, walking backwards. "Don't worry I'll be back before dinner."

"You better be, young man." He tried to look scary, But i couldn't take him seriously so i just gave him a big grin and waved. "Turn around before you fall on your face, Milo."

I waved him off and turned around.

I unzipped the tent and placed the journal inside and took the pencil out from behind my ear and placed it ontop of the journal.

I started walking towards the woods to the place where we usually go and hangout. My feet crunched leafs as i walked deeper into the woods. It wasn't that far from the camp, But it was deep enough in the woods where everything was silent except for your breaths and whoever there with you breaths.

As i got closer to it, i heard something in move in the tree's. I looked up and there were birds flying in the sky and squirrels running on the branches. Then a random thought came to my head, Are there zombie squirrels and birds? What would those look like, How would they pass the virus to people would it be like rabies?

There was a rope latter a few feet in front of me, The latter was connected to a small tree house, it was very old but the wood was sturdy. The tree house was long forgotten for a few years the tree branches were hiding the tree house and some were even growing inside the green leaves hid most of it.

I looked up at the tree house, "Carl you up there?" I grabbed the rope latter waiting for carl to respond before i started to climb up.

I heard something hit the floor, Then i heard a voice. "Im up here, You coming up?"

"Yeah, Just give me a moment you know with my leg." I started to climb up the ladder, Carl threw open the trapdoor.

"You know I'll be here to pull you up." He sat there waiting, i rolled my eyes but kept climbing.

Then we heard it, It sounded like someone was walking as the leaves were crunched. We both looked towards the noise, Something came from around the tree and then i froze just like i did the first time, As a walker staggered towards us.

"Milo come on, hurry!" Carl yelled as he reached he's hand towards me. I tried to move my leg but it was locked, i wasn't going anywhere.

"Carl..." i said as i kept trying to move my leg but it wouldn't budge, i began freaking out. "Move..please"


The walker staggered slowly towards us.

"Unstrap your leg!" Carl said as he reached forward, if he leaned any further he would've fell out. "I'll grab you, i won't let you fall."

"You promise?" I asked as i held as tightly as i could to the rope with one hand as i reached for the straps with the other hand, I felt the tears build up in my eyes.

"Cross my heart."

He held hes hand out, i undid the straps.
I heard the leg hit ground, the walker close now i could reach out and touch it if i wanted to. I let go of the rope and reached for carls hand.

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