:/ Chapter fourteen

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Oct, 24, 2010
First entry

The sun was rising as Milo sat by the RV, Not on the side where Amy was laying dead, On the other side where there were only trees for miles. He sat still both of his legs were sprawled out, His fingernails were caked with dirt as he traced faces in the dirt. He hasn't changed clothes, Most of them were under the tents that were trashed by the walkers. Glenn had the gun.

But even though he was covered in dirt and blood, there was a little daisy in his left pocket over his heart. Glenn had plucked it there after the whole thing. He had hoped that Milo would spew facts about the small flower, But he didn't even look at it.

He wasn't sure if there was anything to tell about the daisy, He was sure he already told all he knew.

Carl liked sunrises, He was most likely somewhere watching it with his dad.

He actually had no clue. Milo and Carl hadnt uttered a word to each other. Milo hadn't seen him, He didn't know where he would go since the tents had been crushed. But if he had to make a guess he was in the woods or doing his homework with Sophia, Milo never liked homework and didn't see the point of it when the world had ended.

He finished drawing the face and dusted his hands off. There was still dirt under his nails but he would wash them in the lake. The face wasn't anything special, just something he saw once in a museum when he was young, Maybe five. He wasn't a big fan of it. It was quite boring, too quiet for Milos' taste and the old people kept giving the father and the boy odd looks.

He did like the Mona Lisa though, He didn't see the big deal of her but he liked how it looked. The swipes of the brush made his brain itch in a wonderful way.

He shot a glance over the corner of the RV he saw his brother and T-Dog throw wood and brush into a pile, He wasn't really hiding, He just didn't want to be seen.

Last night was odd and he didn't know how to feel yet. He kept hearing his family's voices and not sleeping added to the fire, He swore he could see his mother sometimes.

It always ended up being Lori.

Milo watches with a mix of disgust and interest as Jim drags a walker towards Daryl he throws it at the man's feet, Milo's eyes drag over the walker, He didn't know what to feel towards it. It looked awful, It had to have been dead for a long time. Its skin was saggy. He felt awful now and if he had eaten the night before he would say he could feel it crawling up his throat. His eyes fell onto its head just as Daryl swung down onto it.

Milo gags as the pickaxe goes right threw the walkers skull, He spinned around a little to quickly on a empty stomach. He felt dizzy for a split moment before, His fingers dug into the dirt, He had yet to faint.

It was time like these milo wondered how he was the one to survive and not his sister, Who loved rollar coasters and did everything for the thrill or his brother who was never afraid to help skin a fish or a bird for dinner, He never gagged either.

He heard feet crunching on the dead grass. He recognized the steps, It was rick. Just like carl he took way too big steps, They overstepped in between their steps. He always wondered how carl never tripped.

He stood up and dusted his pants off. He didn't realize that the daisy had fallen off him, Just like he didn't notice he stepped on it as he walked around the RV.

He shook his shoes you could barely tell that his shoes were originally a lighter green. The water and dirt definitely ruined them, They were a darker green. So it wasn't a bad ruin.

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