:) Chapter five

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Oct, 22, 2010
Third entry.

"New guy?" Shane asked.

Morales nodded, "The guy's a cop like you."

I was very confused i looked at glenn and he had the biggest smile on he's face. He looked the complete opposite of how carl looked, carl and lori were away from the group lori was talking to carl i was to far away to hear them and i couldnt read lips.

A man dressed in a cop uniform came from around the truck, Which made no sense why would you still wear that uniform it doesnt hold any power anymore, Also from what i know the uniforms are really uncomfortable. I bet it gets really uncomfortable when its hot outside or when your running for your life from a walker, I wonder if it weighs you down at all.

Carl and lori both looked over as the cop dude walked over, "Oh my god." The cop dude muttered, Carl starts to run up to cop dude screaming "Dad!" Lori began to run with carl towards cop dude. Cop dude caught carl and hugged him and then he wrapped a arm around lori and he was crying, They all were.

I was very confused at the moment, I thought when this whole thing started carls father was one of the first to die, He was in a coma or something. But he didnt make it and shane was the one who told carl and lori, He was the one who was gonna protect them because he was best friends with carls father so he felt the need to protect hes best friends wife and child, But maybe i just heard the story wrong.

"Carl." He kisses hes son on the head, I looked over at shane he didnt look so happy. I would think he would also run up to him, I mean i would if i thought my best friend (Carl is my best and only friend.) was dead, I would be so happy i was wrong, But i guess they werent as close as i thought. Shane gave a small smile at lori when she looked at him.

Carl looked over at me, "Come over here, Milo." He waved over at me. " Come meet my dad."

It was later in the day and we we're all around a fire, I was sitting besides carl. Rick was talking about what happened to him, "Disoriented, I guess that comes close. Fear, Confusion .. All of that stuff.. Out of all them disoriented comes the closest."

Carl reached over to grab the daisy's i was playing with in my hand, I smacked hes hand away. He stuck hes tongue out at me, I threw a daisy at him.

"Feelings can be so hard to turn into words." Dale said "Sometimes they fall short."

Rick rubbed hes eyes, "It feels like ive been ripped out of my life and put somewhere else, Somewhere i dont belong." He sighed. "For a little while there i thought this was all just a dream, A twisted coma dream my mind came up with-"

Carl interrupted rick, "Mom said you died." I reached over and grabbed carls wrist and pulled it towards me, I slipped the daisy bracelet i just finished making onto hes wrist. I let go of he's wrist but he didnt move hes hand away from lap.

"And she had ever right to think that." He pointed at carl. "Dont you ever doubt what she tells you."

"When things began to get really bad," Lori rubbed her hands together. "They told me at the hospital that they were gonna move you and the other people there, But they never did."

Carls arm that was on my lap reached and grabbed my hand, He squeezed my hand and rubbed my knuckles with hes thumb, Like he always does. I held hes hand as we listened to the grownups talk.

"Im not all that shocked after Atlanta fell."


"And the hospital was overrun."

"Yeah looks dont lie." Shane nodded towards carl and lori. " I barely got them out, Ya know?''

Rick nodded, " I cant tell you how grateful i am, shane. Words will never be able to explain how i am."

I yawned, Carl looked at me. "You want to go to bed?" I shook my head no, "Im fine." He looked at me for a second before he turned hes attention back to hes father, Hes hand still in mine.

"There those words go, Falling short again."

Shane gets up yelling at ed, I wasnt fully paying attention as my eyelids started to get heavier and harder to keep open. A hand reached and touched my side of the face and gently push my face down, My head gently fell against a shoulder, Brown hair brushed against my forehead, I knew the hair texture, It was carl. It was always him.

My eyes gently fell shut, The last thing i felt was the touch of carl's thumb brushing against my knuckles, Last thing i heard was carl whispering a song to me, I think it was a lullaby. Last thing i smelt was the lake water on carls shirt and the burning wood in the fire. The last thing i saw was carls hair in my eyes, But i was to tired to push it out of my face.

Im not sure how long i was asleep on carls shoulder, But i got woke up by someone shaking my shoulder, "Wake up, Milo." It was glenn "Come on get up, Let carl get up and go to bed."

"Go away, Im sleeping." I grumbled and embarrassingly snuggled closer into carl, I will forever deny this.

"Milo, Get up." Carl whispered as he poked me in the face. "Sleeping in a sleeping bag is so much better then sleeping straight up."

"I dont wanna get up, Im comfy." I mumbled. " You are very warm."

"Im tired, Milo"

"Then go to sleep, Carl."

Glenn laughed as he hooked one of hes arms under my head, I grumbled in protest. Then he took hes other arm and hooked them under my leg. He picked me up, I grumbled alot in protest against that, But he really didnt care about my grumbles.

"Goodnight, Carl!"

"Night, Glenn." He smiled, "Dont miss my warmth to much, Milo."

I grumbled more, I was so cussing him out in grumbles.

"Alright there you go." Glenn gently put milo on the sleeping bag. "Lets just take this leg of yours off." He took the fake leg and propped it against the bags that were in the text. "Time for bed, Little one." He lifted the top of sleeping back and gently put milo into it, He kissed milo on the head and milo smiled as hes eyes drifted close again.

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