Farewell, Silver

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As the Legacy flew to the spaceport, Jim landed the solar surfer into deck where he was greeted by cheers and high-fives as the gang hugged and smiled.

Yadina: You did it!

Chewbacca: *roaring*

Penn 0: Way a go, man.

Olive: Yeah!

Miss Elaina: Yeah! *smiling*

Koki: Hooray!

Agent Otis: Congrats!

Whyatt: You did a great job.

Lucita Sky: Yeah! *agreeing*

Squeeks: You go, man.

Don: La La Lo! 

Ellen DeGeneres: Good job, young lad.

Phoebe: Hooray!

Yao: Yeah!

and making their way to him were Captain Amelia and Mr. Arrow along with Doppler and B.E.N too.

Captain Amelia: Unorthodox, but ludicrously effective. *smiling* I'd be proud to recommend you to the interstellar academy. They could use a man like you.

Mr. Arrow: *agreeing* I agree. 

this made Jim surprised when she heard the news. Before the expedition, Jim never would dream to go to the Interstellar Academy until now. 

Jim Hawkins: *smiling* Thank you.

Dr. Doppler: *smiling* Just wait until your mother hears about this! Of course, we may downplay the life-threatening parts.

from the bridge, Carizo-1M had took the helm as he steered the galleon to the spaceport.

B.E.N: Jimmy, that was unforgettable! *excited* l know you don't like touching, but get ready for a hug, big guy, 'cause I gotta hug ya! Ha ha ha ha! *Jim hugged him back* Hey, you hugged me back. Oh, I promised myself l wouldn't cry. *sobbing*

then, some notice that Silver is gone. Where is the cyborg?

(RLS Legacy, hangar bay)

down in the hangar bay, Silver is untying the last longboat.

Morph gurgled happily.

Mr. Silver: Morphy, we gotta make tracks. *frantically*

he was about to go when........

: You never quit, do ya.

hearing it, he then flinched before turning around and saw Jim standing at the entrance of the bay.

Mr. Silver: *smiling* Ah, Jimbo! Ha ha! l was merely checking to make sure our last longboat was safe and secure.

thinking, Jim helped on untying the ropes.

Jim Hawkins: *smiling* You taught me how to tie, remember. I thank you for that.

Mr. Silver: Heh heh heh. *smiling* l taught you too well. If you don't mind, we'd just as soon avoid some cops and constables. Little Morphy here, he's a free spirit. Being in a cage, it'd break his heart. 

Morph squeaked in agreement.

smiling, Jim then pulls the lever to open the hatch below the longboat, and then unties the knot.

Mr. Silver: Jimbo. *smiling* Ohh! What say you ship out with us, lad? You and me, Hawkins and Silver, full of ourselves and no ties to anyone!

thinking, he smiled as Morph cuddled on his head.

Jim Hawkins: You know, when I got on this boat, l would've taken you up on that offer in a second...but, uh, l met this old cyborg, and he taught me that l could chart my own course. *smiling at the cyborg* That's what I'm gonna do.

: Don't forget about us.

turning their heads, they saw some of the PBS Kids All-Stars coming.

looking at Jim, Silver smiled.

Mr. Silver: *smiling* Why...look at ya, glowing like a solar fire. You're something special, Jim. *getting choked up* You're gonna rattle the stars, you are.

Jim Hawkins: *smiling* Yes, I am.

smiling, both of them embraced. Everyone was touched.

Ari: *wiping his eyes with a tissue* Sorry, I love this sight.

Hal: Me too. *sniffing*

Martin Kratt: Ahhhhhh.

Chris Kratt: Oh, brother.

Junior: So touching.

Chewbacca: *smiling*

Arnold: Yeah!

Ice T: Me too. 

Ling: *sniffing*

then, they saw Morph crying before Fur-Blur and Berby comforted him.

noticing it, Silver whistled to call the pink blob.

Mr. Silver: *smiling* Morphy, I got a job for ya. l need you to keep an eye on this here pup. Will ya do me that little favor?

hearing it, Morph smiled as he went back to Jim who hugged him.

nodding his head, Silver jumped into the longboat as it lowered him down.

Mr. Silver. Oh, and one more thing. *chucking before tossing Jim a handful of gold and jewels* This is for your dear mother...to rebuild that inn of hers. 

Jim Hawkins: *smiling* Stay out of trouble, ya old scalawag.

Miss O: *saluting*

Mr. Silver: Why, Jimbo, lad.......... when have I ever done otherwise? *laughing*

releasing the ropes, the longboat flew away. And the last thing the others knew is hearing Silver's laugh as he sailed off into the Etherium.

smiling, they went back to the deck where the solar galleon made its course to Crescentia.

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