Escape from Treasure Planet

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the gang hurried to the portal as fast as they could that they leaped through.

Jim Hawkins: Silver. You gave up all that.

Mr. Silver: *exhausted* Just a lifelong obsession, you know. I'll get over it.

Morph chirruped happily.

Lucita Sky: Yeah. *agreeing* 

Carizo-1M: *nodding his head*

unfortunately, it's not gonna be alright. Treasure Planet is about to explode any minute.

Just then............

: Aloha, Jimmy!

looking up, they saw something descending from the sky.

looking up, they saw something descending from the sky

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It was the RLS Legacy. And aboard the ship were the rest of the gang.

It seems that after reuniting with the others, they heard about how Flint wanted no one to steal the treasure and its destruction that they all went the back to the Legacy to start it up. They also tied up the remaining pirate crew in the brig so they can't escape.

B.E.N: Hurry, people. *showing his compass* We've got 2 min and 34 sec. till Planet's Destruction.

from the bridge, Doppler was steering the ship with the Captain (tended by Dr. O) and Mr. Arrow by his side.

Captain Amelia: *helping him* You're doing fine. Just ease her over gently-gently.

Mr. Arrow: Just do it, gently. *helping him*

Trying to steer, he bumped the ship slightly into the cliff.

using their flying power and jetpack, Carizo and Lucita flew aboard while some helped Jim and Silver.

Mr. Arrow: Take us out of here, metal Man. *instructing the robot*

B.E.N: *saluting* Aye, Captain.  *activating the engines*

as the planet explode, the solar galleon flew above it as machinery and remains littered the sky. On the deck, everyone was battening down, trimming the sails and fixing the damages.

Molly: Whoa. *shocked*

Frog: We're lucky we managed to reach the ship in time. *pulling a rope*

Phoebe: Well, what now?

Chewbacca: *roaring*

Donkey Hodie: Yep.

Ari: Agreed.

Zoey: Yeah. I agree. What is going on?

Yadina: Me too. *hugging himself*

Ellen DeGeneres: Me three. *helping on the ropes*

Benny Bubble: We need to get out of here before this planet goes kaboom-y! *scared*

Tiny: Yeah! *stacking some crates*

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