A Trap and a Truce

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Upon arriving to B.E.N's tower, Jim and the others discovered the no one is on sight.

Jim Hawkins: Doc. Doc. *excited* I got the map.

unfortunately, a mechanical hand grabbed the map before Silver revealed himself from the shadows.

Mr. Silver: Fine work, Jimbo. Fine Work indeed.

suddenlly, the others heard a muffle and saw Doppler and Mr. Arrow gagged while some are like tending to Captain Amelia and Dr. O who is helping. Soon, Silver's crew surrounded the gang.

thinking, Jim and the others realized that the pirates are pretending to sleep when they are getting the map.

Mr. Turnbuckle: Thanks for showing the way, boy. *snarling*

Meltdown: Now, ve are gonna attack ya.

Birdbrain Mary: Yeah!

however, the others whipped out their weapons before Carizo-1M gave the signal. Soon, the rest of the PBS Kids All-Stars and the new crew surrounded the pirates. B.E.N was surprised too. Morph then joined Fur-Bur and Berby who were hiding in Dr. O's lab coat.

Miss Elaina: Stop right there. *readying slingshot*

Agent Opal: Yeah! *cocking her gun*

Hal: What she says. *gripping his cutlass*

Chewie: *roaring*

Ice T: It's the end of the road. *summoning his flintlock*

Yao: So, do you surrender? *doing a kung-fu stance*

Leo: Yeah. *gripping his nunchacku*

Jasmine Cooper: You said it. *summoning her dual swords*

Aviva: Agreed. *using her jaguar claws*

Purple Panda: Me too. *activating his smashers*

Mr. Shark: Yeah! *cocking both his machine guns*

Red riding hood: Yep. *straightening her hood*

Benny Bubbles: You said it. *summoning bubbles*

Sheep: Yeah! *readying ninja throwing stars*

Francine: Yeah. *doing a karate pose*

it seems it looks like Mexican standoff.

suddenly, they heard a whistle and turned around that they saw Miss O sternly.

Miss O: STOP!!!!!!!!!! *sternly* We don't want to fight. *walking up to the cook* May we call up a truce. 

hearing it, everyone was shocked. Miss O is now having a proper truce with Silver. After talking, the cook agreed. The others desummoned their weapons.

looking at the map, he then threw it at Jim who is now stern.

Mr. Silver: Jimbo, pls open it. *looking at the lad*

but, the young lad was not listening.

Tooey: You got to listen or else....... *warning him*

sternly, Jim then activate the map which appeared. It then formed a corkscrew path that sot out of the window and spiraled over the horizon - meaning this leads to the treasure.

Mr. Silver: C'mon! *instructing the crew* We'll leave with the map.

unfortunately, the path then disappeared. The others looked at Jim who is holding the closed map in his hand.

Jim Hawkins: You want it. *sternly* You're taking me too.

Agent Otis: Yeah! *agreeing*

the others agreed too even B.E.N.

Mr. Silver: Well, we're take some of them.

hearing it, the pirates released Mr. Arrow before he joined the other crew. Jim's team with Ben and Morph followed with the pirates. 

as Mr. Arrow's group watched them leave, the others were concerned that they will be safe.

Will they?

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