The Evacuation

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While the pirates are starting to takeover the Legacy, Jim and Duck Duck managed to call everyone to report to the Captain's quarters where they told everything.

Koki: What!

Junior: Oh my!

Agent Omar: That's bad.

Benny Bubble: That's sounds bad.

Ralphie: I think I have sky sickness.

Fern: Oh no!

Zoey: Oh my!

Olive: Uh oh.

Shiny: Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!

meanwhile, the Captain has sprung into action.

Captain Amelia: Pirates on my ship. I'll see them hang. *hurrying to her gun case and tossed a laser gun to the Doppler* Doctor, familiar with these.

Dr. Doppler: Oh. I see. *examining it* well, I read.......

as the Doctor continued stammering, it went off and shattered a globe.

Dr. Doppler: Oops. Sorry. *apologizing*

then, Sarah Snaps then went to the Captain.

Sarah Snaps: What should we do, Captain? *asking*

Captain Amelia: Hmm. *thinking* We'll rendezvous in the forest. Teleport the others there. Hurry.

Mr. Arrow: Go. *ordering them*

Sarah Snaps: Got it. Planet! *snapping*

and after a moment, the gang disappeared.

after that, Captain Amelia got out the map from the gun case and tossed it to Jim only for Morph to grab it.

Jim Hawkins: Morph! No! *trying to get the map*

Outside, the other pirates were trying to bolt the door out.

Mr. Silver: *sternly* Are ya takin' all day about it!

that he activated his gun and blasted the door for the pirates to enter, only to see that Jim and the others are gone.

(RLS Legacy, interior)

down, Captain Amelia led Jim and Doppler including Mr. Arrow to the hangar and bolted the door.

Captain Amelia: *trying to blast the door* To the longboats, quickly.

jumping in one of the Longboats, both Jim, Mr. Arrow and Doppler aboard it as the Captain pulled a lever to launch the longboat. While they were trying to escape, Jim discovered that Morph has the map.

Jim Hawkins: Morph. *shocked* No!

he jumped out of the boat and chased the pink blob.

Meanwhile, the pirates stormed in the hangar bay and started shooting.

Captain Amelia: *(jumping to the longboat)* Chew on this, you pus-filled boils! *aiming her rifle at the pirates*

Mr. Arrow: *getting out his blunderbuss and fired* Take this!

trying to work his own pistol, Doppler fired only to shot a large cargo of cannon balls which crashed down, sending some of the pirates to the ground.

Captain Amelia: Did you actually aim for that? *astonished*

Dr. Doppler: You know, actually I did! *surprisingly*

Just then, the Captain notice that Silver is closing the doors that she looked up and saw the cables and told the Doctor to wait for her signal. Mr. Arrow was trying to fix the longboat.

Meanwhile, Jim was trying to get the map from Morph.

then, Silver did his usual call to summon morph.

Mr. Silver: Morphy. *calling* Come give to me.

JIm Hawkins: Morph. *calling him* Bring it here. Morph, come here.

confused and not knowing what to do, the blob then dived into a pile of ropes.

Silver tried to reach it, only for Jim to grab the sphere and left. Activating his robot pistol, he took aim and remembered that he loved Jim, he gave up and reverted his pistol to his mechanical hand.

seeing Jim, Amelia gave the orders to shoot.

soon, both of them shoot the ropes, releasing the boat.

Dr. Doppler: Jim! *helping him*

activating the sails and engines, the longboat flew away from the Legacy.

(RLS Legacy, deck)

from the deck, Meltdown was in the cannon, taking aim.

Mr. Silver: Hold ye fire. *trying to stop the cannon* We'll lose the map.

but it was too late. the cannon fired, sending a laser ball at the longboat.

seeing it, Jim then warned Doppler about it.

Dr. Doppler: Oh no. *shocked* Captain! Laser ball at 12 o'clock!

Mr. Arrow: Brace yourselves! 

trying to steer the longboat, Amelia tried to turn the longboat but the laser ball destroyed the main sail sending the gang crashing toward a lust, green jungle.

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