The Bargain

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it was evening and the gang went inside B.E.N's home. Kate Mitchell managed to call the others.

Yao: Now this looks like a home. *looking around*

Sue Ellen: I can hardly imagine. *sarcastically*

Benny Bubble: You said it.

inside, it was like a mess or something.

while B.E.N is apologizing, Dr. Doppler carried the captain in his arms before lowering her in a resting spot where she was aided by Dr. O and Mr. Arrow.

Jim Hawkins: This is like strange.

while looking around, Mole notice the markings on the wall.

Mole: Doctor. *examining it* Can you tell me what are these?

Dr. Doppler: *thinking* It's like the markings of the map, but like identical.

unfortunately, Captain Amelia was still concerned about those pirates.

Captain Amelia: *ordering* Mr. Hawkins. You and some of the gang must stop anyone who tries to approach.

seeing the captain grimaced in pain made some of the gang sad.

Dr. Doppler: Okay. No taking orders now. You need to rest. *helping her* That's all you need.

Captain Amelia: *smiling weakly* Very forceful, Doctor. Thanks.

Mr. Arrow: You're gonna be okay, Cap'n.

however, it was interrupted a laser ball which zoomed across the window.

That could only be one thing.......

Koki: They found us! *pointing outside*

she was right. Outside, the pirates aimed and their weapons fired at them. They must have found them.

Miss O: Defensive positions. *ordering them* NOW!

unfortunately, the others sprung into action. Mr. Shark then got out some weapons for the gang and they all fired back.

after a long shooting, the gang were about to reload when.......

: Hello, down there.

inhaling, Jim peeked out and realized it was Silver who is holding a flag of truce.

Mr. Silver: Jimbo. *calling him* If, uh..... mind if I have a word with the Captain. I want a short word with ya. No tricks. Just a palaver. 

everyone was surprised. Silver wants to make a truce. But, why?

Molly: So, what are we going to do now, Mr. Arrow? *concerned* Any ideas?

Keesha: Yeah. *agreeing*

Mr. Arrow: If he's bargaining for the map, I don't know?

everyone then looked at Amelia who is still in pain. They do not know what to do?

but, Jim knew.

Jim Hawkins: Meaning....... he thinks that we have the map.

(B.E.N.'s home, outside)

the others watched cautiously as Jim and Morph went out to meet with Silver.

using a new invention (a solar sonar hearer), Oscar and the others managed to hear what they are saying.

It seems Silver wanted to have the map and attempts to make a deal with Jim for the map, but Jim rejects. Hearing it, everyone was surprised.

then, they saw Jim and a scared Morph who is now sad coming back.

Jim Hawkins: Looks like he's not giving up. *angry*

hearing it, the gang then realized that they're in a brink of war.

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