The mythical map, begin the Expedition

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(Doppler's home)

It was peaceful outside Dr. Doppler's mansion.

Inside, everyone was relaxing and drinking tea

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Inside, everyone was relaxing and drinking tea. Some were a bit shaken up.

(Imagine if the PBS Kids All-Stars are inside)

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

(Imagine if the PBS Kids All-Stars are inside)

while everyone is talking, Dr. Doppler came in with grave news.

Dr. Doppler: *sad* I just spoke with the constabulary. Those pirates have vanished. I'm sorry, Sarah. *comforting her* I believe the old Benbow Inn was burned into the ground.

the others were sad. The inn was destroyed by those pirates. 

Curious George: *hugging her*

Daisy: We're so sorry, Ms. Hawkins! *putting a blanket on her*

Yadina: We really are. 

Arnold: I knew I should stay home today. *groaning*

Fern: Thanks! I really need some blankets.  *shivering*

meanwhile, Doppler was curious about the strange sphere. Everyone was curious about it?

Oona: So, what is it, Doc? *curious*

Margaret: *gurgling*

Don: So, it is something? 

Dr. Doppler: Well, the markings on that thing baffled me. Unlike anything, this is very strange to me.

at that moment, Jim was fiddling with it.

Agent Oswald: So, what is it? *curious*

Dr. Doppler: Well, with my vast intelligence and superior intellect. It would take years to unlock its.........

before anyone could say anything, the room began to go dark.

Dr. Doppler: Hey!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Molly: Who turned off the lights? *trying to find a switch*

Duck: I can't see a thing? *trying to see, but only to crash into a pile of books*

Oscar: Maybe I could use something. *remembering the inventions are back in the lab* Oh.

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