Quality time with Silver

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By the Jim is done swabbing the deck, it was already nighttime.

mopping the floor, Morph then reverted back before burping. Berby and Fur-Blur were playing too.

Jim Hawkins: *smiling* At least it's no so bad. Making new friends....... unlike that spider pyscho.

when Jim spoke, Morph turned into Scroop which made Berby and Fur-Blur laugh.

Jim Hawkins: *chuckling* A bit uglier.

thinking, Morph-Scroop gave a big laugh.

Jim Hawkins: Needs more time to work.

walking up, Silver came in the fray and was amazed that the deck is swabbed clean as Morph-Scroop reverted back to Morph who smiled and flew to his master. the PBS Kids All-Stars followed him suite along with Chewie.

Mr. Silver: Well, thank heaven for little miracles. Up here for an hour and the deck still on piece. *throwing away uneaten food*

Elinor: Wow! *amazed* The deck is clean.

Martin Kratt: *looking at it* Cool!

Chris Kratt: Keep it up, dude. *smiling*

Muffy: You go, sir. *giving him a thumbs up* 

Buddy: Yep.

Chewbacca: *roaring*

Junior: I agree.

Adam Sandler: Me too.

then, Xavier Riddle notice Jim's expression as he continued to mop. He was feeling a little sad.

Xavier Riddle: Jim. *concerned* You okay?

Duck Duck: You okay, kid?

Jim Hawkins: *quietly* Well........ what you did....... thanks for saving me.

Mr. Silver: *concerned* Boy, did your pa ever teach ya to pick any fights more carefully?

hearing it, Jim put down his mop and went to the side as he looked up in the stars.

Jim Hawkins: *sad* My dad....... he was more like taking off and never coming back like that.

Mr. Silver: I'm sorry, lad. *putting his arm in his shoulder*

Agent Otto: That's so sad.

Fern: *concerned* Well, I hope our parents are okay? They were worried when Emily Elizabeth told them about us.

hearing it, the others were right. It seems Emily and others back in the PBS world told them and the parents and the friends of the PBS Kids All-Stars were looked up in the stars from their homes to make sure that they are okay.

Hal: Me too. I miss our friends even Mr. Chewinsky. *sniffing*

Nature Cat: There. There. *comforting the dog*

Brad: Yeah! *wiping his tears*

Jimmy Z: Yep. *using a tissue to wipe the tears* Even the Wild Kratts kids and animals.

Word-Girl: Me too. *looking up*

the others were now concerned about their parents and their friends. But, they need to help Jim in his mission.

while they were talking, Silver ha told Jim that he will give more work. After talking, he went to see if the others are doing. he notice that they are concerned about their friends back in their world.

Mr. Silver: Tell you what, mates. *smiling* You can all take break. I'm just gonna help Jimbo here. See ya tomorrow. Night. 

Andy: Thanks, sir. *smiling*

Tooey: You're welcome!

Daveed Digs: Yep.

smiling, everyone went to bed as the RLS Legacy flew through the skies.


In the morning, the PBS Kids All-Stars were like resting they saw Jim doing more work like removing barnacles of the ship, mopping the deck, peeling potatoes in the galley, making knots and more as Silver instructed him while Morph is playing with his new friends.

Throughout the time, Jim notice that some are offering to help him and the chores wasn't as hard. In fact, with all the chores that the cook has instructed, Jim would always rely on the PBS Kids All-Stars and Chewie would hep him to get the job done.

One evening, Silver instructed the lad to clan up the dishes. When he returned, he saw the dishes were clean as a polished shoe. Turning around, he saw Jim, AJ Gadgets and Bob dog sleeping together. Smiling, he wrapped his cloak around them before leaving.

Another time, the gang were hearing Silver telling stories about his previous adventures that it delighted the crew.

Jim Hawkins: *thinking* Maybe he's not so bad after all. *smiling as he drank his tea*

Over time, Jim and the others began to trust Silver who taught them everything he knew.

(5 days later)

One day, he helped Silver to test out a longboat.

as Jim watched the cyborg cook flew off, he then recalled an old memory from his childhood

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as Jim watched the cyborg cook flew off, he then recalled an old memory from his childhood.

(Jim's Flashback)

One morning, Jim was sleeping when the door slam that he woke up and saw his father from the window leaving. He went downstairs and saw his mother, slumped in the table in tears. he then went out and ran to his father, but it was too late. His father boarded a space solar vessel and sailed away, ever to be seen again.

(End of Jim's Flashback)

then, Silver came back in surprise and urged him to aboard.

excited, Jim leaped down and landed on the longboat.

while showing the controls, Jim immediately activated it as the longboat sailed forth.

From the ship, the PBS Kids All-Stars smiled with Chewie as the Longboat flew off as the legacy sailed through the sky.

they all know that this adventure can change their lives.

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