More Trouble on deck, a plan revealed

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(Next day, morning)

The next day, most of the crew were asleep except for Jim who is chasing Morph.

In the bunkers, the others were sleeping and snoring. Duck Duck woke up and saw Jim chasing Morph to the galley that she went out and checked on them.

Duck Duck: Hey. Hey. *concerned* What's going on?

Jim Hawkins: *drowsy* Morph is trying to annoy me. I'm giving this blob a piece of my mind.

Duck Duck: I'll help you. *smiling*

the two went to the galley where they scanned the area. They notice a barrel and slowly looked down. They saw one purp with eyes looking before closing.

Jim Hawkins: I got you. *smiling* Busted!

smiling, he jumped down and began to play with Morph. Duck Duck was looking at them when she heard footsteps that she jumped into the barrel and told the two to shush. They then peeked through the hole.

It was the pirates. What are they doing here?

? (Birdbrain Mary): What we're all saying, we're sick of waitin' here. *scowling*

? (Hands): There's only a lot of those people here in this ship? 

? (Meltdown): Ve........ are vanting to move. *sternly*

Mr. Silver: We don't move until we got the treasure at hand. *sternly*

the three of them realize that it was Silver who is speaking.

Cutlass: WE must do it until the time is ripe. However, I know otherwise. *picking something up from the barrel*

Mr. Silver: What is it, Cutlass? *curious*

Cutlass: It's that boy and his cohorts. *smiling* I think...... you have a soft spot for him and his team.

hearing it, Silver realized that Cutlass was talking about Jim and the others. He didn't want his fellow mutineers to know he cared about Jim and the PBS Kids All-Stars.

Mr. Silver: *sternly* Now, mark me, ya lot o' ya. I only cared one thing and one thing only..... Flint's Trove. *angry* You think I'll risk it all for the sake of a o' some nose-wipin' little whelp and his bunch of misfits.

unseen from the barrel, Duck Duck and Jim was surprised about what Silver had said.

Cutlass: What is it again. *thinking* You got the making of greatness in ya.

Mr. Silver: *snapping* Pls, stop it. I cozied it up to that kid to keep him and his cohorts off our scent. But I ain't gone soft.


from the barrel, Jim and Duck Duck soon become crestfallen just as Mr. Onus called them from the crow's nest.

? (Mr. Onus): Planet Ho!!!!!!!! *screaming*

hearing it and realizing that they reached Treasure Planet, the pirates were delighted as they scurried up to the deck like mice where they can see the planet from afar.

coming out from the barrel, Duck Duck and Jim were still sad and suspicious about what they had heard.

Duck Duck: *suspicious* I knew those pirates are sneaky. Even we can't trust Silver.

Jim Hawkins: *shocked* We need to tell the others about this. C'mon!

nodding their heads, the two ran up up the deck only to see that Silver is blocking their way.

For a moment, everyone stayed silent and said nothing.

Mr. Silver: Playin' games, haven't we. *speaking up*

Duck Duck: No. No. *trying to stay calm* We're okay, sir.

Jim Hawkins: Yeah. *keeping calm* We're playing games.

trying to find out, Silver was thinking when Jim notice an icepick on a table that he got an idea.

Mr. Silver: Oh. I see. Well, I never much good at games. *from behind his back, his mechanical arm converted into a pistol* Always hate to lose.

Jim: Yeah. Me too. *jabbing the icepick on Silver's cyborg leg*

Duck Duck: RUNNNNNNN!!!!!!! *franticly* 

that both ran to the Captain's quarters.

realizing the jig is up, Silver climbed up the stairs to the deck and whistled loud to call the crew.

Mr. Silver: Change of plan, lads. *changing his mechanical hand into a sword* We move...... now!

hearing it, the pirates shouted as they followed Silver.

However, it's not over yet.

Treasure Planet x PBS Kids CrossoverKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat