From the occasional loss of consciousness, I unconsciously transitioned to missing you every day. How uncomfortable it is not to see you or hear your voice during the day, and how absurd the dreams at night are. I even envy everyone who can stand by your side , people who call your name affectionately, hate all the fans who looked at you with admiration in the audience, and you smiled back at them, and there are many, many... All the rationality and restraint I was proud of in the past have all collapsed and disappeared. no deposit.

   No matter who you are, what status you are, male or female, I want it. You are mine and only mine, my own baby. "

  His words of confession from the bottom of his heart seemed to be contaminated with sparks, hot and hot, which ignited Ye Lisa's whole being.

  He slowly took her delicate cheeks with both hands, and kissed her forehead all the way down, eyes, nose, mouth... Every kiss gave out a deep sigh, as if he had obtained some treasure in the world, and he was as satisfied as his heart.

  Ye Lisa raised his eyes tremblingly, his thick eyelashes were like the tip of her heart, numb and trembling.

  She looked at the man in front of her, he seemed to be different from before, he had lost the aloof top boss, the Bo's prince, the president of Star Entertainment...and all the halos he was born with.

At this moment, he is just a man who crazily woos her, with a scorching light emitting from the bottom of his dark eyes, reflecting her cheeks, as if he was bewitched by the sincere sincerity and extreme longing, She felt her heart was beating so fast, so fast, so fast, so fast that it was about to explode...

   Now it should be far more than 1.5 times, right?

  Ye Lisa slowly looked down at her clothes that were trembling with her violent heartbeat, and was surprised to find that even if all these external factors and influences were removed, she still wanted to be with the man in front of her very much.

   "Baby, promise me? From now on, I will love you, love you, protect you, and depend on you for everything, as long as you promise to be with me."

  He kissed her lips, rolling and coaxing her extremely tenderly and lovingly.

  Ye Lisa was bewildered, she felt that all the five sense organs of her body were blocked, and only him was left in the world. She slowly stretched out her arms to hug him, and parted her red lips, "I answer..."

   "Boom bang bang! Boom bang bang bang!"

  Outside the villa, there was a sudden loud knock on the door, waking up the little woman who was immersed in a deep kiss.

  She opened her eyes, and heard a familiar and angry loud voice, "Bo Jungkook ! Bo Jungkook , open the door for me! Open the door quickly! You bastard! How dare you abduct Lilli, open the door!"

  Second brother? !

   When Ye Lisa heard the voice, the confusion and chaos in his mind dissipated, leaving only panic and bewilderment.

   ", president?"

  She patted the man who was concentrating on her body, called out several times, patted him several times, and finally pushed him slightly hard to wake him up.

  The man's misty black eyes were filled with darkness and stubbornness, "What's wrong? You still don't want to..."

   "President, my second brother is here! What should I do?"

   "Ye Taehyung?"


   After finishing speaking, he also heard violent shouting and knocking outside the door.

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