Chapter 54: "So much love"

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It's been 5 months since Lila came to the mansion, she has improved a lot in her rehabilitation, now she only uses the wheelchair for long distances or when we are standing for a long time, but she usually uses crutches.

- Come on, Lila, two more steps - I encouraged her to walk a little more

- I can't - she said trying to get closer to the railing of the therapy

- No, no, yes you can, don't try to take the railing, just two more steps and that's it, come on, I'm here - I told her

She took a first step, and then another, and when she came to me, I took her hands.-

 I told you you could do it - I smiled at her giving her a kiss on her lips, and then another on her cheek and I began to fill her face with kisses

- Stop, stop - she laughed separating me from her while I also laughed - Thank you - she smiled at me with love

- You don't have to thank me for anything, I love you - I told her smiling in the same way and gave her a kiss again - Come hold on to the railing, I'll bring you the crutches - I helped her

- No wait, help me walk and we'll take them together, I want to walk a little more - she asked me

- Are you sure? I don't want you to get tired -

- Sure, come on -

- Okay, let's go - I started walking holding her hands

In a few seconds we reached where the crutches were leaning against the wall, I passed them to her and we left the rehabilitation room.

We started walking towards the dining room, since it was 1h in the afternoon, we assumed that the others were already there, and we were right. Upon entering the dining room, we could see Yelena, Kate, Wanda and Jean sitting at a table, along with Jean's friends.

Kate came to visit yesterday and decided to stay with us for a few weeks. She's usually with Yelena most of the time, which might make me a little jealous since my sister spends less time with me now, but I guess the two of us are spending a lot of time apart, me with Lila and she with Kate.

- Hey, how's rehab? - Wanda asked when we sat down.

- Very well, Nadya is helping me a lot - Lila replied smiling at me

- That's what I'm for - I replied

- So much love, I going to faint - Yelena exaggerated

- Very funny Yel - I said sarcastically - You'll understand when you fall in love -

- I already am - she said and I looked at her strangely - With my dog, Fanny - she said, and everyone began to laugh, while I rolled my eyes

- Changing the subject, how are they in the tower, Kate? - asked my girlfriend

- Very well, Tony misses you a lot, Nadya, he says that when you're recovered you should come visit them -

- He had not gone to live in the lake cabin? - I asked for

- Yes, but he spends a lot of time in the tower because of Peter - he answered - Since now it's just him and me there, he doesn't want him to be alone, he promised Aunt May - he continued and I nodded.

(A/N Aunt May is not dead, Tony promised him when Peter moved to the tower, he still spends a lot of time with his aunt, but lives in the tower)

- I'll come back in a second - Jean said after hanging up the call she was on.

- Okay - I replied.

We kept talking, until ten minutes later Jean came back with an urgent look, telling me to come with her.

- Nadya, you have to see this, quickly, Yelena you come too - she asked us

We quickly got up from the table and followed her to the Professor's office.

- Jean, what is so urgent? - I asked for

- Do you remember when we programmed this computer to find our mother, by the name that guard told you? - told me

- Yes, of course I remember, have you found it? - I said surprised

- Yes, we first meet Harry Watson, who seems to be the husband, and the wife's name is Valeria Watson, she was a doctor at the central hospital in Petersburg, but they moved to Spain two years after your birth - (A/N although they look alike a lot, they are the same actress, they are not twins but sisters)

- Where are they now? - Yelena asked as she hugged me by the shoulders.

- I don't know about her, but Harry is in Asturias, Spain, they live in a country house, far from the city, but from what I have read of what we have found, they have another house in the city of Oviedo - she explained, showing us a picture

- Are we going to go? - I asked

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- Are we going to go? - I asked

- The computer hasn't found Valeria Watson yet, I think we should wait until it finds her. The thing is that from what I have seen, they have children - she informed us

- I want to go - I asked

- Nads, I know you want to go, but Jean is right, we should wait until the computer finds Valeria - Yel said

- It already found her - said Jean looking at the computer - She's in the tower -

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