Chapter 51: "Little sister"

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Lila has been here for several days now, her parents left yesterday and she is adjusting well. She's still a bit jealous of Kitty, even though I tell her a thousand times that nothing is happening between us, she's just a friend and she's been helping me a lot to adjust to life here, as well as helping me with my training with the powers , along with Jean, The Professor and Wanda.

Yelena has also adjusted quite well, she has quite a few friends here, she has also helped me adjust to this place, although she still gets angry when Jean calls me little sister, I really don't understand why, she will always be my sister, no matter what happens. That brought us to what was happening right now.

- I just don't know what to do anymore, Nadya, she won't let me train with you, "because it's too dangerous", she calls you little sister every time you're talking to me and when it's sisters' Friday, she asks you to be with her! - Yelena yelled at me.

- I'm sorry, okay? but don't yell at me - I asked

- I'm sorry, it's just that it annoys me - she told me and I smiled - why are you smiling? -

- Because I like that you behave like that - I said and she looked at me confused - Like my older sister - I explained

- I am, but another girl is trying to steal my position, just because she is your biological sister - she said sitting on the bed pissed off

- She is not trying to steal your position, and even if she tried, she would not succeed, because you will always be my older sister, you will always be my sestra, I have always told you and I will always tell you, you are my sister, I don't care about biology - I said kneeling in front of her

Yelena has suffered a lot with having sisters, she always thinks that she doesn't deserve us, but in any case I don't deserve her, on the other hand, she doesn't think that. She thinks she's a murderer who doesn't deserve to have love, but I'm completely against that, she's not a murderer, yes she killed many people, but she was forced into it, just like me, just like Natasha, just like all the girls who have gone through the Red Room program. It has also been very difficult for me to realize this, but Lila and Wanda have helped me a lot with it, and now it was my turn to teach Yelena that, she is my older sister and she always helps me, but now it was my turn to help her.

- I don't deserve you, she is much better, she can help you with your powers, I don't, I don't understand those things - she began to speak without stopping while tears fell from her eyes

- Yel, Yel, stop - I cut her off - You do deserve me, at most I'm the one who doesn't deserve this incredible sister, who has always been there for me, who always helps me when I need it most without asking for anything in return, that when my father died she didn't think twice about being there for me, a sister that everyone dreams of having -

- You know that if you deserve me, right? - he told me and I laughed

- Shut up, don't do your moment, my moment - I told her getting up from the floor and giving her a hug - I love you very much, you are my favorite person, along with Lila - I said smiling

- I love you too sestra - she told me returning the hug

- Do you want to go to the garden? Lila is with Wanda there and Jean is with Storm, so we don't have to worry about seeing her - I said thinking that after this, Yelena wouldn't want to see her

- Thanks, but I don't want you to ignore her just for me, okay? - she asked me

- Okay - I told her

- She is still your sister, and she is helping you like one, no one can take that away from her, she brought you home when you were in the raft and for that I am very grateful - she told me

- You also brought me home - I said firmly

- I was not there when they entered the room -

- And you shouldn't be there, it was dangerous, my powers were still activated, I kept shining - I said - Only Wanda and Jean should be there, they are the only ones who can beat my powers -

- Oh, you're right - she said and I laughed - I can't beat you in a battle anymore-

- If it's hand-to-hand combat, you'll win for sure - I said and this time she was the one who laughed.

- Now shall we go to the garden where Wanda and Lila are? - I asked

- Let's go see your love - she said getting up from the bed, lifting me by the way, since I was sitting on her legs

- Yel, put me down - I yelled laughing

- as you say - she said letting me fall

- Could you be a little more careful next time? - I asked sarcastically - I think I broke my back - I complained

- you are exaggerating  - he said passing over me to go to the door

- Сука - I murmured

- Stop insulting me and let's go - Yelena said already outside the room and I got up quickly and went to where she was.

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