Chapter 20: "Jean Grey"

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I know it wasn't the best time to tell her, it was the first time I had seen her smiling since she came back and I didn't want to take it away from her, but I had to tell her as soon as possible.

We got to my room and I told her to sit next to me.

- Come, sit with me, sestra - I said, and she sat down - this is a complicated thing to tell you, as I don't have all the details -

- What is it, Yel? -

- Do you know who Jean Grey is? - I asked her

- At Hydra they talked a lot about her when they were testing me, but, no, I don't know who she is - she replied

- When we went to rescue you, I overheard a conversation, Nadya, Jean Grey is your sister - I told him

- WHAT, no, it can't be, I don't have a family, it must be a mistake - she said getting up - and_I_don't have a family - she was finding it harder and harder to speak and her breathing was getting faster and faster

- Hey, Hey, Nadya, I need you to breathe with me - I said approaching her

- I-I can't - she said

- I'm going to shake your hand, ok? - I said and she nodded, I took her hand - let's count together, ok? - She nodded

We started counting until she could breathe normally.

- This isn't the first time you've had a panic attack, is it? - I told her

- They started when I was in Hydra, Pietro helped me when I had them - she answered me, I saw how her eyes saddened when she named Wanda's brother

- We will find Pietro, Wanda says she still feels him, which means he is alive, we just need to find him - I promised her.

- Promise? - he said showing her little finger

- I promise - I said intertwining her finger with mine

- I heard in Hydra, when I was training, something about Jean Grey, apparently they wanted me to be better than her, with the powers of the phoenix, I really don't know, I only heard that they wanted to destroy the avengers - she told me

- They won't, besides, they don't have you on their side now, do they, we have a god, a witch, a phoenix, a green man, a super soldier, a flying captain America, a flying genius in armor, and a female assassin -

- that's a good explanation of the avengers, but you know you're no longer an assassin? - she said, I couldn't smile anymore, we were finally putting our past aside.

- Come here - I said and she snuggled next to me - neither of us are assassins or spies for hydra or Dreykov - I said, when I named that name Nadya started to fidget uncomfortably

- Yel - she called me

- Yes? - I asked looking at her

- Dreykov is alive -

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