Chapter 35: "Eyes that show everything"

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- We can't let her go, it's dangerous - I told Laura

- Honey, it's normal for her to want to go, not only because her girlfriend is there, but also because she admires you, she wants to be like you, a heroine, you're her father, honey - she answered.

- But I did this to protect you -

- I know, but, although I don't like the idea of ​​having to worry about her, I did it with you, I accept her leaving, and you should too, besides, with her going on missions only when you do it too, I have plenty, because I know that you and Nadya will be there to protect her when necessary -

- But what if one day I can't protect her? - I said with teary eyes imagining not having my little girl

- That's not going to happen, she has all the avengers protecting her -

- Shall I let her come? - I asked her needing her to assure me.

- Let her go with you -

- Well - I said getting out of bed to start collecting the things I would take - I'll be back in two  days -

- And I'll be here waiting for you - she said giving me a kiss

- And I'll be here waiting for you - she said giving me a kiss

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- Now go - she said pushing me towards the door.

I went to Yelena and Wanda's room, they were already ready to go and they were talking on the bed with their suitcases in the corner

I knocked on the door and told them to wait for me in the living room.

- You can go down to the living room, I'm going to call Lila and Nadya, to see if they're  ready -

- Okay - they said getting out of bed.

I went to the door of my daughter's room and Nadya, they seemed to be arguing

- Nadya, you can't forbid me to go, if I feel like going, I'll go - I heard my daughter scream - You're nobody who can tell me what to do, we haven't even been dating for a year and you already want to send me -

I opened the door before my daughter could do something she would regret later.

My daughter and Nadya turned when I entered, I looked directly at my daughter, trying to tell her that what she had said was wrong without using her voice, Lila caught it right away and her eyes expressed enormous regret, while Nadya's eyes showed guilt and pain , she was looking directly at the floor, trying to avoid eye contact.

- We're leaving in five minutes, I'll wait for you downstairs - I told them and Lila nodded.

I went downstairs, where Yelena and Wanda were already waiting for us.- What were those screams? - Yelena asked when she arrived.

- Lila and Nadya were fighting, apparently Nadya doesn't want Lila to come with us, in case something happens to her -

- I'll talk to her later - she said and I nodded, knowing that Nadya would only talk to her sister, no one else.

When we finished the conversation, we began to hear footsteps coming down the stairs, Lila looked sad, but Nadya, she didn't show any kind of feeling on her face, she had the same cold look that Natasha had when she didn't want to show emotion.

I looked at Yelena and Wanda, they were both thinking the same thing as me: this is going to be complicated, like it was when Natasha and Wanda were arguing

- Are you leaving now? Laura asked going down the stairs.

- Yes - Yelena answered.

I watched as Nathaniel grabbed Nadya's leg.

- Don't go - he asked.

- But I have to go, little one, I'll be back soon, okay? - she answered, bending down to his level.

- You promise? - he asked

- I promise - she replied, giving him a kiss on the forehead.

I looked at my daughter, the only thing she showed in her eyes was pure love, that reminded me of the look Wanda always had when she saw Natasha playing with my children.

I wish she was here

Cooper was coming down the stairs at that moment, to say goodbye.

- Come back soon, okay? - he said hugging me

- We will - I told him.

- Don't get into too much trouble - he said hugging Yelena now, the two of them were quite close, the little age they get along I guess it helps, Yelena is 25 years old from what I know and Cooper is 23

- I can't promise anything - she replied.

- And you, little sister, be careful - he told Lila

- I promise, good luck with your girl - he told her, whispering the last thing, thinking that nobody hears him, but being a spy helps sometimes

- I'll tell you when you come back - he whispered back

- I know you're not much for hugs so... - he said to Nadya, who had Nathaniel in her arms, showing him her fist for him to shake, although Nadya didn't accept this and gave him a hug as best she could, having a child in arms

We all smiled when we saw this, Nadya was opening up more and more to us, it's a long road but the steps are forwards, not backwards, and that's good.

- Well we're leaving - I said, when we had already said goodbye to everyone

- Be careful - my wife said before we entered the quinjet

- I love you! - I yelled before closing the door of the flying transport that would take us to the tower.

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