5:Lost in my Nerves

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Song recommendation: Nervous by The Neighborhood
~outfit for later~
     I stand there looking at my notebook trying to think of what to write but I can only thing of the block auditions. I don't know what's to come and I only know how to dance ballet.

"Ines, I don't think this is a good idea." She lifts her head from what I now know to be a phone.

"What do you mean?" she straightened her posture to look straight at me.

"I mean I don't know how to dance hip-hop. I have been working my whole life to be classical trained. I may not know a lot about Hip-hop, but I know it is not classic!"  I start to feel my heart begin to race and I begin to pick at the skin around my nails. Ines laughs at my overreaction.

"Lavender! Relax, you're going doing to do fine." Ines walks over and sits next to as we talk.

"How do you know you have never seen me dance hip-hop. I haven't even seen me dance hip-hop." I try to calm myself down, but I can tell that if I get there and I can't dance people might get suspense that I am not who I say I am.

"That's ok all you have to do is try if you don't get in. no big deal." Ines speaks with a calm voice that makes me feel better about the situation I'm in.

"Alright. But what about my clothes.  I only have the one dress that I wore when I arrive. I don't think that is very cold of me." I can only image how strange it looks to be dancing in that.

"Cold? Do you mean cool?" Ines says almost forgetting what we were talking about.

"Oh yes. Sorry I am still new to this way of speaking." I say now must calmer than before. "I can't go dress like that so... I should just stay here!"

"No, you are going to those auditions. You can wear some of my clothes." Ines offers as she opens her closet to reveal her clothes.

"I don't know what if-"I'm about to start the nervous rant again but I only get a few words in before Ines grabs my shoulders to bring my focus back to her.

"Lavender! Look at me! You're going to be fine. I don't know why you are so nervous. it's just a dance. Plus, I will be there the whole time. Lets just find you an outfit that works and maybe we can work on your hip-hop before we leave. How does that sound?" my breathing return to normal and I just nod my head. "Good. Now, time to get you an outfit."

"Thank you, Ines." I say walking over with her to her closet.

"No, worries" Ines says as she pulls out a few items for me to wear. "Here put these on and see how they work. And put the shirt on top of the jacket." She hands me and orange jacket, a black shirt with some colorful writing, blue jeans with rips in them, and a pair of black, orange lace sneakers.

"Thank you." I walk into the bathroom to change it takes a little longer than the average. Do to the fact that I have never worn pants before, but I eventually complete the overly difficult task and walk out of the bathroom.

"See you look great. But there is just one thing." Ines looks down at my shoe and begins to do up the laces. "This is how you tie your shoe so they fit better, and it will stop you from tripping when you walk." I pay close attention to her movements.

"Thank you. Do you think I can do the other one." I ask her in hope to be able to learn how to do them to seem more normal with my footwear.

"Sure. Give it a shot." She responds. After a few tries and more help from Ines. I successfully tie the shoes. "Perfect. Now you can tie your own shoe."

" I am truly grateful for your help and the clothing you have so grace offered. But I still don't feel positively about the auditions." I look down to see I have begun to pick at my fingers once more.

"Lavender! We have been over this you need to chill out." Ines says sternly. I begin to blow cold air on my hands in an attempt to chill out. "No not literally. I mean you need to calm down." Ines said as she starts to laugh at my actions,

"Right. Of course. I knew that." She laughs more at my clear lie.

"Here, Lavender. If you are still that nervous, I'll show you some of my dance moves. You can follow along and try to get the hang of it." I am still confused at the terms she is using but I just follow her as she dances. With every move I copy, and I watch with such intensity. In hope to memories each action. The dance becomes easier as we continue. Shortly I begin to understand. I slip into the music and dance on my own. I start feeling calm and at peace with the music. I almost forget where I was until the music stops.

"Oh sorry." I say as I look up to see Ines starring at me with her mouth propped open "I didn't mean to get distracted like that."

"I thought you said you have never danced hip-hop before." Ines says and I can her the surprise in her voice.

"I haven't. I was just following you."

"That was more then following me. That was amazing. If you do that at the audition, I can promise you that you get into the Block." She smiles at me "If you dance like that, I might need to step up my dance."

"That's not true but I appreciate the help with the dance. I just hope I don't look strange in front of everyone." My nerves flow back in.

"You will do fine. Come on. We need to leave now or we are going to be late."

How did I get my self into this situation. This is not going to go well. Some bad is going to happen. I can feel it and what ever it is it is coming for me. Please Lena. Please find me.

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I know the chapter is short and I have posted in a very long time but I had to finish school and work has been busy. I promise I will try to stay on top of my posts. Hope you enjoy the read.

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