4: lost in a crush

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Music recommendation: Make you Dance by Megan Trainor

~it is going to start diverging from the tv show now but it will still have a similar theme. And by the way I forgot to mention that in the show Lena's boyfriend's name is Henry but I felt the name Harry fit for my character.~@loveofmylife39

I walk back over to take a seat with the rest of the students, but I turn to see three people dressed like their from the 1800s suddenly I am reminded of the letter from Lena. They must be the time collectors. How did they find me so fast. I thought I had time before they got here. How long will I have to wait for Harry's dad to bring me back?

"Lavender! Are you ok?" I hear Ines call from behind me. "You kind of zoned out for a second there."

"I don't know what that means but, I'm fine just distracted." I turn to where the time collectors were but, there gone. Maybe I'm safe, but I should be cautious.

"Alright then, come sit before Madam Carre' starts talking." She pats the seat for me to sit down.

"Thank you everyone for your performances. Feel free to go enjoy your break before the real work begins" Madam Carre' says dismissing the class to leave. Everyone begins to stand up and walk out. I go to follow but as I stand I run into someone.

"Oh my, I'm so deeply sorry. I seem to have a real problem with bumping into people lately." I ramble but I stop as I look up and see Max Alvarez smile down at me. I think about saying something, but my mouth is suddenly to dry for me to speak.

"That was very impressive dancing. Why didn't you apply to the school sooner?" Max asks. I have no idea how to respond. I can't say I did go to school here just in 1905 or I am a time traveler so I'm pretending to be a student to stay away from time collectors.

"I had very conservative parents. They didn't like the idea of me traveling out of country for ballet training" I say as I avoid eye contact in hopes to hide the lie.

"A different country? Where are you from?" He ask and turns his head as if he is trying to make me look at him.

"Um I'm from Russia" I decide that being honest about that won't create any danger or make me seem crazy.

"Russia! Do you speak Russian?" as he asked me, I could hear him smiling which forced me to look up to see it.

"Da" I say with a small laugh. I didn't think it was all that funny, but he laughed with me which made me feel less uncomfortable. "I actually speak five languages."

"Five languages! What are they?" his smile never leaves his face the entire time we are speaking which make my stomach fill with butterflies.

"I speak English and Russian of course, but I also speak French, Italian, and Spanish." I tell him hoping to hide the how nervous I am.

"Hablas Español?"  he asks with a hint of excitement in his voice.

"Si, tu hablas Español?" I ask with just as much if not more excitement, then he had.

"Si!" he says as we both start let out another small laugh. Instead, of saying anything else we both stand there in a comfortable silents, just looking into each other's eyes.

"Max! What are you doing lets go!" both max and I turn to see an angry Thea staring daggers at me from the door frame. I turn my head to look at Max. I never realized how close we were standing to each other. I can't feel his breath graze the side of my cheek. I wouldn't have bothered me if I didn't hear Thea clear her throat.

I try to back up, but I trip over the bench behind me. I thought I was going to fall but I feel Max grab a hold of my waist to catch me.

"Woe, careful. Don't want to see you getting hurt." He smiles at me with his hand still lingering on my waist.

"Hello!" Thea yells again trying to get Max's attention. Max quickly moved his hand way.

"I should go. But before I do, I wanted to invited you to the block auditions."  He says backing up and creating more space between us. Which leaves a feeling of cold run over my body.

"Sorry the what" I ask he as he lets out a small chuckle.

"Right, almost forget. It's an underground dance group that everyone who can dance attends. Plus, I would love to see you there." His voice changes from his normal tone to a more soft and sincere one.

"Well, then I will be there."  I say looking down at my feet as I feel the blush begin to form on my cheeks.

"Good, see you then Chica." He says before turning around. The butterflies in my stomach disappear the moment that I see Max and Thea quickly kiss then walk away holding hand.

"What is wrong with you?" I say to myself as I walk back to the room I share with Ines. When I arrive, Ines is sitting on her bed look at some kind of strange box in her hand.

"Hey, what's up Lavender." Ines says as she looks up to speak to me.

"I am unfamiliar with that term. What do you mean by it?" I ask her. I take the chair from my desk so I can sit down in front of her.

"Oh, it means I'm asking you what you are doing." She explains but she looks at me with a very strange and confused look.

"Oh, then in that case. I am feeling quite well, but I do have a question to ask you" I look at her awaiting a response but she simply nods for me to continue so I do. "Max just invited my to the block auditions and was wondering what underground dance is."

"it's not really a type of dance it's more like a type of group. Like this school is a group of dancers that work ballet. But the block is a secret dance group and instead of ballet we dance hip-hop." Ines explains.

"I believe I am beginning to understand now, but I do have another question. if that is alright?" I say still widely confuse but I feel uncomfortable asking her to explain it again.

"Sure, what is it?" Ines asks.

"What is hip-hop?" I look down at my feet. Nervous that she will think I am odd for not knowing what it is.

"Here let me show you." She grabs the boxing thing that she was holding and seems to be clicking some thing on it. She turns it to me and it seems to be making sound and showing a moving portrait. I try not to look surprised, so she doesn't know I have never seen anything like this before.

In the strange box I can see someone moving in a similar way to how the boy Jeff was dancing when I first met him. I start to try and mimic the moves.

"You're pretty good at that. If you can dance like that at the block this will be easy." Ines say with a small laugh. She moves to set the box onto the desk. I really hope this works.

Word count: 1206

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