1: the beginning

601 9 3

Song recommendation: all I want: Olivia Rogrigo
My name is Lavender Grisky. I go to the best dance school in the world. Well, the world in 1905. Most people just know me as Lena's sister. Technically i'm adopted but we call ourselves twins sense we were born on the same day. Lena and I started school at Paris Opera Ballet school when we were five and haven't left since. Our parents are the royals of  Russia so all work no play. We don't see them must. Which I don't think bothers Lena much, do to the fact that it just means more time with her boyfriend Harry. I can't say me and Harry are very close but he treats Lena very well so I think he is quite chivalrous. I sometime wish I had a boyfriend like Lena but I have been known to scare the men off ever so slightly. It is of no fault of my. I, unlike my sister, am very high strong and believe that the rule of which that apply to men should be the same to those of women. Lena believes the rules are set in place for a reason, but I believe it is to suppress women even to the point of stopping them to such simple joys such as wearing trousers. But, that does not stop me from longing for the company of a men with the same views as myself. Until then, I will express I am solely focusing my passions into ballet.

Today is the day. I get to show my love to all the people who are willing to see. I have been working on this piece for weeks now. I finally got a solo. I was always a high achiever when it came to ballet. The top was always Lena and I. Do to the fact I am of darker skin it was hard for me to get a solo dance no matter who my parents are or how talented I was. But, I finally had my chance not Lena and Lavender Grisky. This was all me. I love Lena but having this to myself meant the world to me even if I know Lena would do amazing in this part and I would do anything for her to be happy. I have always wanted this, and she wanted it for me. She is always a great sister and never wants to take something like this from me. Even when she heard she didn't get the solo she still jumped with joy to hear it was going to go to me.

I start my walk to the stage powder room when I see Lena with a huge smile on her face. She seems to be smiling at a time piece around her neck that is quite pretty.

"Lena!" I call over to her as I speed up to get to her.

"Lavender!" she says to me with a growing smile. "Look what Harry gave me!" she gives me a closer look at the time piece that looks to be fairly old but still very beautiful.

"It is truly lovely Lena." I say as my smile begins to fade and it is hard to tell if it is the nerves for my dance or just another reminder of how I wish to be able to find a companionship like the one that Lena and Harry have. I truly do not like the feeling regardless of the outcome, but the first statement is less sad and far less embarrassing to say out loud as well.

"Are you feeling quite alright? You seem to have grown pale all the sudden." Lena asks as she examines my face and pushing the stray curl back to my tight dance bun.

I push the thought of loneliness to the back of my mind and choose to tell her "Yeah, my doing well. Just a little nervous, I suppose." I begin to focus more on the skin around my nails that I have been picking at, then my sister standing in front of me.

"Oh Lavender, there is no need to be nervous." She smiles and reaches for my hand. "Here take this." She hands me the beautiful time piece Harry had just given her.

"I can't take this. Harry gave it to you!" I try to hand it back but she won't take it.

"That is exactly why I want you to have it when you dance. Harry told me it is good luck and helps you to keep your balance."

"Lena, are you sure this is alright with you." I step closer to her but don't take my eyes off of the design around the clock.

"of course, you can just give it back to me after the dance" she says as I give her and tight hug.

"Thank you so much, Lena. I'll give it back as soon as I walk off stage." I pull back from the hug to see her face. "I Promise"

"I know you will. Now go your about to be late."  She says in a rushed voice, but I can see the playful smile creep onto her face.

"Oh, your right. I'll see you after the show" I say as I start to run down the hall towards the stage. "Love you, Lena."

"Love you, too Lavender " she yells as we get farther apart. "I wish you, Luck."

I wanted to respond but I was too far away for her to heard.

Hope you enjoyed it.
906 word count

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