2:lost track of time

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~this dress will be mentioned later in this chapter~
Song recommendation: Underground by Cody Fry

    I could feel my heart start to beat in my chest as I run onto the stage. The applause started but it felt more like a distant fog over the running thoughts in my head. I hear the music and the applause die down as I set into my first position.

    The lights are aimed right at me, and the audience is no longer visible. My heart calms as I start to dance. The movement of the dance takes over my mind and body. It seems as if everything is faded and it is only dance. Every move sends me into a new sense of escape. The music moves me as I hit every step of the dance right on time. This is my best performance yet. But that is not what is on my mind. All I feel is the pure peace and joy of dance.

    The song ends with my finally grand plie au. The rest of the world begins to come back into focus as the applause return without the echo. I curtsy and walk off stage. I turn down the hall, to see Lena and Harry, running towards me. Lena looks likes she is going to stop but instead she grabs my arm and keeps run, forcing me to follow alongside them.

    "Lena, where are we going?" I try to say between breaths as I attempt to run in my point shoes.

    "Mom and dad are back" Lena responds as she turns to look at me but still maintaining the same pace. "They want to take us back to Russia!"

    "What do you mean 'back to Russia' like no more dance" I begin to run faster with a sudden rush of adrenaline.

    "Yes, no more dance. That's why we must go now." she stops to look me straight in the eyes to infusive her point.

    I let go of her hand and begin to run. I turn and look at them as I say, "Then We must depart now before they can find us." They both begin to run behind me trying to keep up. We all turn to see the guards behind us, so we turn backstage to keep them off our trail. When I turn the corner, I see a door and instantly open it as I notice Lena and Harry behind me. I signal them to follow as I walk through the door. I can hear Lena calling my name from behind me but it is to late as I feel almost as if I am sucked into the room, that looks weirdly familiar. I turn to see the door is now closed and Lena and Harry are nowhere in sight.

    "Lena! Harry! Where are you?" I look around only to notice the room is the same as the one I just walked out off, but somehow brighter than before.

    "You. on stage. Now!" a man I don't recognize beings to push me towards a group of teenagers around my age.

    "Sorry, I don't thi-"I try to explain but it is too late as he starts to walk away and leaves me with the group. All of them are in white ballet clothing. Which makes my purple dress seem to be quite odd.

    "bold, chose" I hear a girl ,I have never seem before, say with a smile. The group splits into lines and moves onto the stage.

    "I am not supposed to be here" I try to turn and leave but I run into another girl and we both fall over. I stand up immediately and reach my hand out in attempt help her. "Oh my, I am exceedingly apologetic. Let me assist you."

    "What are you even saying?" she swats my hand away "And keep your hands away from me." She stands and dusts herself off and gets back in line. I follow her as I try to stay calm.

    "Welcome The Paris Opera Ballet class of 2018" the voice is odd it seems to be becoming from every. I have never heard a voice that could do that before but that is not where my concerns lie at the moment.

    "2018? What is 2018?" I ask the girl in front of me. The same one who seemed to be calling me 'bold' when I first walked in.

    "Wow, you really have lost it. The year of course." She says still looking forward and keeping the preforming smile.

    "The year?! The year is 2018" I begin to grow dizzy and nauseous "I don't feel so well." I say right before my body grows weak and my head hits the ground. The group surrounds me as I try to keep my eyes open. Soon a man comes into focus. He is the same one who sent me into the lines when I first arrived.

    "Are you alright? Who are you?" he says to me as he scans my face to see if he knows me or maybe for injuries. I am not entirely sure.

    "Eh..." I Murmur as I try to steady my heart rate before I answer but I don't get a chance before he answers for me.

    "Elena Grande. We weren't expecting you until next week." He seems to be trying to help me up but the people surrounding me keep their focus right on me. The nervousness of the new environment and the strangers around me brings back to the dizzy feeling of before.

    "Hey, take it easy" the man says to me but I have no time to truly process the words before my view goes completely dark.

    How did I end upon in the year 2018? What happened to the other 113 years? Where is Lena? Where is Harry? Where am I? Who is Elena Grande? Please, please, please tell me this is just a very, very elaborate dream. Yeah, it must be a dream. When I wake up, I will be back home and ready to dance. No need to worry. I'll wake up soon and this will all seem like a foggy memory. Right?
Word count: 1006

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