3: maybe I like being lost

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Song Recommendation: Fever Dream, by mxmtoon

Wrong! Oh, how wrong I was. instead of waking up back in my bed. I wake up a room that I do not recognize with an older woman I have never seen and the same girl who referred to me as 'bold'. I sit up to hear them talking.

    "Miss, you have to let her go. class is about to start." The girl says, as she walks to sit on the edge of the bed waiting for the woman who I had guessed to be a nurse to speak.

    "I'm not sure. she was out for quite a while" the nurse says, but she never looks at us just keeping her focus on the clipboard in her hands.

    "She looks fine to me." The girl next to me continued to plead.

    "Yes,  Ma'am, I feel quite a bit better, I really must go." I tell her as she looks up to see my face before she responds.

    "Fine, but if you feel the dizziness start up again come straight back" she says turning to the girl next to me. "Do you understand me?"

    "Yes, miss" she responds with a rushed voice. "Now Elena, Lets go and try to fix your bun before class starts."

    "Hello, it's lovey to meet you but my name is not Elena, and I really need to be somewhere" I try to leave but, she grabs my arm and leads me in another direction.

    "We don't really have class, yet I just wanted you to get settled in before then, so you have time." she leads me into a room that appears to be split in the middle with a direct relaxation on each other. "And what do you mean your name is not Elena."

    "Well, my name is Lavender." I explain as she grabs my arm and leads me farther into the room.

    "Oh ok, so like a nickname. Now I get it." She says as she grabs a hairbrush out of my bag. "My name Ines."

    "Nice to meet you Ines, but I think you miss heard me. My Name is Lavender not Nick." I explain to her as she brushes my hair back into a bun. I can hear her laugh next to me as she finishes my hair.

    "You're funny in, like a cool old timey way." Ines says after she finished laughing. "Well. There is twenty minutes. So do you want me to show you around."

    "That would be greatly appreciated, but there is something I must do first." I grab my bag and head to the door.

    "Ok, just be back before class so I can show you where it is." Ines calls to me as I run out the door as to not be late. I am not completely sure on where is best place for me to go in a situation such as this one, but I do know of one place that Lena would look for me if she came to find me. So, I head to the roof of the Paris Opera Ballet. That was always Lena and my spot. Well until Harry, because Lena showed it to he and the moving brick in the roof, where Lena and I would write notes to each other, it became their spot. The brick was their brick.

    I know that sounds like my mad. I'm not but I was starting to feel like a third wheel in their relationship. I Love Lena and I always will but I sometimes wish I had somewhere else or someone else to spend time with when Lena was with Harry. I had no friends back in 1905. Lena tired to made me feel like they wanted me there but I know they wanted to be alone. As time went on, I only felt more alone. But let's not think about that. Let's just try to get back home. 

    When I get to the roof I walk straight over to the loose brick. I sit down and I suddenly see the brick look like and bright glow is coming from the inside of the brick pillar. The glows does not last long but, as soon as it stops I move the brick and find a hand written note inside. I grab the note and find that the letter seems to be addressed to me. But how? No one here knows me and if they do I feel that it is not enough to write to me like this.

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