Saving A Life

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I had awoken the next morning to the sunlight streaming through the window acting as my alarm. Checking the time I saw it was almost ten, so I knew Edward will have already left to get Bella. Going about about with my routine, I came down stairs dressed and ready for the plate of a bacon and sausage butty, along with my morning tea. Grabbing my breakfast I made my way outside to the front porch were I found Alice and Jasper.

Placing my cup on the small table off to the right of the couple, I was able to pull up a chair beside Alice. "Morning." I said as with a wave as I began to devour my breakfast. "Morning, so how's the food." Alice asked as continued to munch away. I swallowed what was in my mouth and replied. "It's great, I'll have to thank Esme later." From her left I noticed Jasper chuckling. "And what's got you laughing major." I smiled at the nickname I gave.

He turned to me and composed himself before speaking. "Nothin', it's just Alice actually made the it." I took a glance at the half eaten butty and then at Alice. "You, made this." I was shocked I had no clue she could cook. "Mhm, I saw online that it was something that people ate for breakfast in England so I thought I'd surprise you." She beamed at her accomplishment and at my smile.

"Thank you, it actually taste similar to what I use to have." She beamed once again at my words and I continued to eat whilst I enjoyed the early winter air. Minuets had passed until Jasper spoke. "Lexi are't you cold, sittin' out here?" I turned my head to face him as I answered. "No, I'm use to cold. It's all you ever get back in home." It felt weird saying that. Even though I grew up and lived in England I now felt more at home here then I ever did there.

Grabbing my phone from the inside of my jeans pocket I saw the time was now almost elven. "I'm gonna go in. I promised myself I'd speak to Aro." The two of them nodded and I made my way into the kitchen to deposit my plate and cup and went up to my room.

I lay comfortably on the bed as I dialled the number. "Mia cara, what a pleasant surprise." I was greeted with Aro's sweet voice once the ringing had subsided. "Hi Aro. How are you." A smile grew on my face as he replied. "Quite well, and what of you tesoro?" I got up of the bed and decide to look out onto the forest as I answered. "I'm alright. I juts felt like I needed to here your voice."

I could hear a hum come from the offer end as Aro spoke once again. "Well I have no trials that are in need of my attention, so I am happy to give it to you." I smiled at this, knowing he was most likely discarding his work and other duties just so he could spend time talking with me. "Why don't you tell me what you and the others have been up to then since our last call." I said and so Aro began telling me of how Caius had taken up my suggestion of spending the morning hours doing his paintings, which I had informed would give a better result.

He also informed me of how, even though we had not yet decided when I would be returning to Voltera, Didyme and already spent many hours customising a full wardrobe for my return. I laughed at this and instead that he or Marcus should keep a better handle over her, or she might just bankrupt the endless Volturi accounts. Sadly I hadn't been given an update on Jane, Alec Demetri or Felix, and when I had asked he would he would try to turn the topic away from the four, which greatly confused me.

Overall we had probably spent the whole afternoon speaking and updating one another, me keeping the subject of the battle a secret of course. By the time I had ended the call and changed into some PJ's the moon was already up and I had a visit from Esme and Carlisle telling me goodnight, because they and everyone else would be departing early in the morning for the battle.

When I woke the next morning I could immediately feel the emptiness in the house and a sad smile graced my lips. I knew they would come out of this alive and well, but that wasn't enough to stop me from worrying, they were my family now and I would never stop worrying.

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