Learning the Truth

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Confusion seemed to be the mane emotion for me this past day, so much had happened and very little of it made sense to me. Who were these people with skin pale as snow, and eyes as red as blood. I needed answers and I needed them now.

"No I ask the questions." Everyone seemed surprised by my sudden outburst. I sat there for a second waiting for someone to reply, second's later it was Aro who spoke from his spot beside me. "Alright Tesoro. What is it you wish to know." His voice seemed to be laced with sadness and possible fear.

"I want to know what's been going on since I ran into Bella." For some reason I had hoped that it would be Aro who would explain, but I was slightly shocked when Edward started to speak. "Alice and Bella came here to stop me from making a decision I know now I would very much regret," His head turned to Marcus and Caius when he said this.

When his gaze came back to me I asked, "what decision would you regret?" My voice remained calm but it was also slow due built up anxiety in the pit of my stomach. "I thought Bella had died and I knew I couldn't live a life were she wouldn't be in it, so I came here looking for the only solution I could think of. Death."

His words seemed to send all different kinds of emotions through me, fear, sadness, confusion and a slight bit of relief. "What do you mean death. If you wanted to die so badly why not just do it yourself instead of coming here." My words shocked me, never in my whole life did I think I would be asking someone about killing themselves, but here we are.

Edwards face seemed to harden slightly but not in a way of anger but one of pity. "Our, uh, kind is much more difficult to kill then yours, that's why I needed to come here. Only others of my kind would be strong enough to kill me." I glanced over Edwards shoulder to see Bella looking down at her feet. I thought she must be saddened to hear her boyfriend talking about wanting to kill himself because he thought she was dead.

I looked back to Edward, confusion written all over my face at what I was about to say. "You keep saying your kind, but when Caius talked about me he called me human. What did he mean by that we're all human." What was once anxiety that sat in the pit of my stomach was now morphed to fear, fear of the answer I might be given.

Edward was no longer looking at me but at Aro when he said "you should be the one to tell her, she's your mate." I looked between Aro and Edward asking the questions that kept playing on my mind. "Tell me what, and why do you keeping saying mate."

Aro gave out a sigh and now turned to face me fully as I did to him. "Mia cara what Edward is trying to say is that we are not human but vampires." My breathing seemed to stop as my mind went fuzzy, vampires, but vampires don't exist, there just stories rite. As my mind started to clear all I could ask was, "what do you mean vampires?"

I sat there as the room fell silent, no one dared to talk and I was thankful of that. I was able to reclaim some composure as I sat up. "So your all vampires?" To my surprise and to probably everyone else in the room it was Bella who answered this question. "Me and you are the only humans, everyone else are vampires." I gave a slight nod in thanks to her.

I knew I wanted more answers and sitting around wasn't going to get me any so I turned back to Aro. "Can you explain it to me?" My voice held no emotion as I was still trying to proses everything. "Of course mia cara. Me, Caius and Marcus are the leaders of the Volturi coven here in voltera, we are what most people would call the ruling coven as we are those who keep the vampire world in check and maintain the law. Edward and Alice are apart of a friend of mine's coven in Forks Washington."

It was a lot to take in, but at the same time it all made sense and then I asked the finale question that plagued my mind. "You've called me your mate a few times now and I want to now what it means." Instead of continuing himself he turned to Marcus who stood across the room next to Caius. "Brother would you mind explaining that to my mate."

Marcus nodded and as Aro stood up he came and took his place next me. "A mate Alexandria is something we vampires spend most of our existence searching for, many will go centuries without finding there's, but when they do it's as though they have finally found there true purpose in life. A mate, is a bond between people and makes our existence as vampires much more bearable because we have someone to share it with."

His words seemed to move me in a way that I had never thought before. Marcus spoke with such endearment and understanding that it was easy for me to guess that he had already found his mate. I was taken out of my thoughts as Aro came back over. "You see Tesoro you are my mate." He stood there waiting for my reaction. I guess it made sense because when I first set foot in the throne room I felt drawn to him and his voice seemed to always hold me in a trance.

Once again it was Aro's voice that broke me from my thought's. "Are you alright my dear?" I stood from the couch I had been sitting on this hole time and started walking towards him. "If I'm being honest I know I should feel scared or at the least terribly confused, but I don't. After hear all of this and that you and I are mates I guess to me it just kind of makes sense." I'm not sure what was making me do it but I walked a little further forward and place a slight kiss on Aro's cheek.

The moment our skin connected my lips felt warm and tingly, but on the inside I felt relaxed and at ease with what I was doing. I removed my lips from Aros cheek and looked at him to see that he was already looking at me, smiling, I could feel heat rising to my cheeks and I knew I was blushing. Then the moment ended. 

A/N Hi guy's sorry for the really late update, but here's a double update for you. 

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