Save My Prince

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Yunlan was preparing his grand entrance. But before that, other idols were first to come out of the stage to perform.

Shen Wei never misses a chance to give a bouquet of flowers to him in person. Making everyone surprised. "What are you doing here?! I thought you didn't want our relationship to be exposed?" He whispered to him but couldn't help but feel butterflies inside his heart as he accepted the flowers.

"I always give flowers to my special idols in their first concert for good luck! I will not be a good boss if I don't take care of my stars!" Making sure the others heard it. Yezun frowns. "He never gave me a big bouquet like Yunlan!" He protested.

Making the other idols laugh and Yu Bai smirk. But can't help to wonder where his wife is. Surely, he would surprise him with flowers as well. But shrugged that he may be a little bit angry for accepting this job. As he knows, it will benefit his competitor and his ex lover Shen Wei. The floor manager called them to prepare and pulled Yunlan to get to the lift.

Checking the belt and the carrier that would carry Yunlan up and into the stage. The staff wear him a pair of wings, so he will look like an angel descending toward the stage. "His fans would love it!" Said one of the staff. And indeed, the people cheered and clapped as he was shown flying from above them while singing.

Cong Bo almost cried seeing his idol done a great job. As women squeal in excitement seeing him fly above them. Xin ci was shocked and worried seeing what his son doing. "Yunlan get down here!" But his words never reach him. And as Yunlan notice his father. He thought he was waving in happiness for seeing his success. Unknown to Yunlan, he didn't know lifter pilot true intention toward him.

Back to the crazy fanatic fan of Yezun. He start to laugh, "Sing comfortably Zhao Yunlan! Once you're in the middle of your song I shall drop you to your death!" He didn't notice Zhuiji wake up and so the horror of what will happen. He tried to take off the tied rope but to no avail. He signals the also tied up Chen Yeming to help him up. Chen Yeming didn't want to loose, with all his might he get up and push hard the fanatic fan. While Zhuiji tried to crawl out for help.

Yunlan on the other hand felt the lifter swing and run toward the other way. He signal the staff on what's happening. "Wait?! Why the lifter is getting higher?!" Da quing complain to the floor manager whose trying to call the control room.

The other artist felt something wrong when Yunlan didn't descend toward the stage. Shen Wei quickly run to the operating room. While Yu Bai follow him as he saw the Shen Wei's face became pale. Shen Wei quickly bang on the door alerting everyone there.

Zhuji want to scream for help while Chen Yeming tried to stop the fanatic fan of Yezun from dropping Yunlan to the audience. Outside, "Open up!" Shen Wei command. Yu Bai also trying to help him knock down the door. Chu run toward them with a key. "We found the real operator of the lifter. The person inside is the imposter!"

As they open the door seeing the scene. Shen Wei tried to grab the crazy man. The fanatic fan pushed Chen Yeming toward them as he escape. Chu tried to block his way but the crazy man slipped at the other side. While Shen Wei operate the lifter to bring down Yunlan.

Yu Bai help to untie his wife and Zhuiji. The fanatic fan disappeared to the other side of the room where dancers about to perform on stage. Quickly they tried to find him before it's too late.

Yunlan on the stage was puzzled on what's happening. But the show must go on. As he landed on the stage safetly and sing his song while the dancer came at his back. The fanactic is one of them and ready his knife that he hide under his socks. The unaware Yunlan didn't know the danger that will happen at his back.

The choreographer whose watching notice this. "Whose that guy?! His not insync with the other dancer!" That alert Da quing, "Give me one of the dancer custome!" And step in to one of the dancer. Yezun seeing Da quing on the stage almost laugh, "What's the cat boy doing there?!" As he notice where Da quing is heading his smile fade.

"That man?! I know him! His one of my stalkers who almost came to my house back then! I have already file a report to the police! I thought his in jail?!" Without realizing his gege dashed at the stage wearing a custome of one of the dancers as well. Yu Bai and Chen Yeming watch only as they can't interupt the performance of Yunlan.

Yunlan was singing his latest song when he notice his didi and Shen Wei on the stage. "What's going on?" He wonder. Da quing signaling him something which he can't understand. As the dancers block his view from them. When all of the sudden a man was about to attack him. When he was held hostage by him sensing Shen Wei on his back.

The audience was shocked as they didn't know if it's real or it's one of the performance. "Get away from Yunlan! The security is own their way here!" Shout Shen Wei. The man still held Yunlan hostage and aim the knife toward his throat. "Nobody moves! Or he will sing his last song here!" He shout back.

At the audience Xin ci can't just sit only to look at what happening to his only son. And get up to help them. Meanwhile Yunlan was surprise at what's happening, "Who are you?! Why are you doing this?!" He ask. "No one! I say no one will take Yezun away from me!" Said the crazy fanatic. "Yezun?! We don't have any relationship!" The crazy fanatic was shocked hearing that from Yunlan. "You lie!" And about to pierce him with his knife. "No!" Shout Shen Wei.

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