It's Not A Game

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Yunlan took some variety shows, which he was introduced to some artists from other companies.

So he can be known by many people and can sour high quickly. Just thinking how An Bai is always with Shen Wei make his blood boil. "I'm gonna win no matter what?!" He shouted accidentally, making the others laugh. "Wow! Mr. Zhao, we still have not yet started the game, and you wanted to win badly?" The emcee ask.

He shouted yes, making everyone clapped and cheered for him. He never noticed many eyes upon him. And jealousy are arising. "Whose this newbie think he is?" Whispered to Zhuiji, who is one of the artists in another company. "Let's teach this newbie a lesson that he'll never forget!" He smirked.
The emcee explain they need to dive into the pool to get the balls under the water and swim back to put it in their respective box. Who ever get many balls, win the round, and get a hidden prize in one of the balls.

Shen Wei, on the other hand, was also watching t.v from his office and can't help to smile. "If you keep on smiling like that, many will notice you have a favoritism?" Shen Wei was shocked seeing Yu Bai at his doorstep with Chu. He frowns at him and to Chu. Who sweat. "Don't blame Old Chu here. We've been knocking at your door five times, and you didn't answer, so we just barged inside." Yu Bai smirk. "What do you want here?! And where's that actor wife of yours?!" Shen Wei stood. "I left him at the hotel! I don't want another cat fight!"

Meanwhile, back to Yunlan, everyone changed their clothes for the pool game. Many awe at Yunlan for having a lean and little muscular figure. Every one swarm to look at him. Zhuiji, on the other hand, signed his friend to know what to do if Yunlan dived into the pool. That was noticed by Fei, one of Shen's artists. He considers Yunlan his didi since his young and new in the company. And make a sign to his group that Yunlan is in danger. As he knew, Zhuiji liked to bully newbie.

Da quing and Guo, on the other hand, wave a banner and cheered to Yunlan. As the game started, a horn was heard, and all dive into the pool to get the price under the water. Yunlan tried to get one of the balls when Zhuiji signed his friends to knock Yunlan. Luckily, Fei and his group came and helped Yunlan by being his shield.

This does not make Zhuiji happy as Yunlan got the ball and swims back to drop it inside his box. As he dives again to get another. Zhuiji quickly swim back to drop his own ball to his box and dive again. The contestants are getting franatic since they all want to win as some of them grab the other balls and kick the others and swim back as the timer start ticking. No idols want to lose, or they can't face their fans. As the pool became a dangerous place to swim. The emcee almost lost his footing when the contenders hit him accidentally while they're running. Luckily, he was caught by Yunlan as he thanked him. Suddenly, they heard a honk as the first game ended.

Yunlan didn't win in the end because his still new in this kind of game. But he didn't expect he won the admiration of many fans and the respect of the others because of what he did. Zhuiji is not quite happy even though he won. Because the people attention is on to Yunlan, even the camera men.

When Yunlan came back to his company, "Don't be disappointed you didn't win! Maybe in the second game you will have a chance!" As Da quing thought his gege is disappointed. "It's alright! I have fun and beside...." He wave to his newfound friends Fei and his group. Who smiled and waved back to him. "I've found some new people to become my friends!" Da quing was about to praise him when Guo called Yunlan that the boss wanted to see him alone.

Da quing looks suspicious again as his gege left. "Are you sure I'm not needed there?" He asks Guo who just shrugged. When Yunlan came at the office, "Close the door!" Shen Wei said. As Yunlan closed the door, Shen Wei immediately stood up from his seat and back hugged Yunlan.

"How is your experience? I hope you didn't get tired!" While he nibbles his neck and inhales his sweet scent. Yunlan giggled, "I have fun!" As he turned around and wrapped his arms around Shen Wei's neck. And pulled him to a steamy kiss. "I heard Zhuiji and his friends have given you a hard time." While continuing to kiss his red and plump lips.

"How did you know?" Yunlan curiously asks. "I have my spy there!" Shen Wei joke. The truth is the emcee is one of Shen Wei's friends, and he called to tell him the heroic deeds of Yunlan and the mischievous thing that Zhuiji did. He quickly dismissed Yu Bai and called the agency of Zhuiji to tell them what he and his friends had done.

He won't accept an apology only since Yunlan is a precious thing owned by the company. He pressured the other company to take action and discipline Zhuiji, or else he would give the matter to his lawyers. The other company complies with his request and will take action.

Shen Wei now suddenly carried Yunlan to his table while still kissing him and lay him down there. As they take off their clothes and make love there right now. Yunlan suddenly stops him, "Will someone might see us?" He was worried since it's still office hour. "Don't worry since Chu will guard at the door and my office is sound proff!" And continue again to thrust inside of him while kissing his lips.

Da quing, on the other hand, was buying food at the canteen when he saw Yezun chatting with a staff. "Him again?! Just ignored him! And your day will be happy!" And about to turn when the man suddenly pushed Yezun and pulled a knife. Da quing spring into action, ignoring the food he dropped and knocking off the man.

Back to the lovebirds as they've finished. Shen Wei suddenly gave Yunlan a key to his penthouse. "If you're tired or stress come into my place. You can sleep there!" Yunlan's eyes suddenly sparkle, "Is this for real?!" And hugged Shen Wei. Suddenly, Shen Wei remembered what Yu Bai said, "Don't let this one slip away, or you might regret it! Just like you did to me!" Shen Wei suddenly hold him tight, making Yunlan wonder.

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