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At Eggman Lair.

It been a week since Y/N got his hands on the Chaos Master Emerald and is currently upgrading his whole lair.

However within those days he have save lives and they begin to work for him.

For example a female faunus Hedgehog called Rusty Rose nearly lost her entire body by a forest fire cause by Union

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

For example a female faunus Hedgehog called Rusty Rose nearly lost her entire body by a forest fire cause by Union.

Another is a second hedgehog called Metallica who was once a experiment of Union but was rejected and nearly lost her life

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Another is a second hedgehog called Metallica who was once a experiment of Union but was rejected and nearly lost her life.

Third is a female Faunus bat called Rogue that had stole Dust from Jacques and would lost her life if she wasn't save by Atlas

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Third is a female Faunus bat called Rogue that had stole Dust from Jacques and would lost her life if she wasn't save by Atlas.

Finally are three Faunus, crocodile, bee and chameleon which they are Vector, Espio, and Charmy. The three used to be a detective agency until Union shut them down.

All six faunus are working for Y/N since they are in debt to him but despite the debt they are enjoying themselves.

Y/N Pov:

Currently I'm working on a new robot when Sage enter the room.

Sage: "Father you might want to see this" she said then activate a monitor which I look only to growl seeing Union saving the day.

Me: "Union will not be the heroes much longer" I said only for an alarm to went off which I flip the channel to see a small plane heading straight towards my place.

Sage: "Father it appears that the hedgehog is heading towards us" she said zooming on the plane which show the hedgehog and a female fox faunus driving the plane.

Me: "How in the world did they found us!" I said growling.

Sage: "unknown but they'll arrive soon" she said.

Me: "prepared our defenses!" I said which she did.

3rd Pov:

Flying towards Eggman lair is Sonica and her best friend Tailsko are flying towards the lair.

Sonica: "How did you know about this place anyway Millie?" She ask which Tailsko giggle.

Millie: "It wasn't hard as I hack into a robot that Egg head left behind and found the location" she said only to gasp then turn the plane dodging many missiles and lasers.

Sonica: "Woah Egg head isn't showing mercy" she said impressed.

Millie: "Be careful! After all we don't know much about him!" She said as she dodge.

Sonica: "Oh I'm not scared! After all his robots would be easy to beat!" She said.

A few minutes later.

Sonica: "Okay these robots ain't easy!" She said running as she dodge lasers, missiles, and fists.

It wasn't long until she arrived at some lair and when she did she blush as standing before her is Y/N himself who is in a flying mobile.

Eggman: "So you finally discovered my lair hedgehog! Well this time I have the upper hand!" He said then entering the room is Infinite, Katella, Deadly Six, Rusty Rose, Metallica and Chaotic Team.

Sonica: "Woah you been busy gathering help Egg head" she said which Y/N got enrage.

Eggman: "That Eggman you rodent!" He said then unleash green lightning at her surprising the hedgehog.

Sonica: "Woah! When did you get that!" She said impressed.

Eggman: "None of your business! Soon I'll show Union their days are done!" He said which Sonica tilted her head.

Sonica: "uh huh and why waste your time against them when I'm fighting you?" She said and about to attack when Metallica block her way.

Metallica: "You won't hurt the doctor" she said then attack her.

Thus a battle begin which didn't took long as due to Sonica being outnumbered.

Sonica: "Hold it!" She said causing everyone to pause and glare her.

Eggman: "What!" He said.

Sonica: "Um you wouldn't mind if I retreat and get some help then we fight again next week?" She said causing everyone to sweatdrop.

Zavok: "Are you serious? Why would we gonna let you leave!" He said.

Sonica: "Because you have logic of honor?" She said which everyone look at Y/N who look godsmack.

Eggman: "... Fine! But if you bring Union then you will feel my wrath!" He said which Sonica smile run up to him then kiss his nose.

Sonica: "Thanks handsome~ see you next week!" She said then run away while Y/N blush like crazy.

Women: "That b_tch!" They thought completely jealous while the men laugh at YN.

Rise of the Egg Empire!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ