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At Eggman Lair.

It been a few days since the Deadly Six, Katella, and Agent Stone join Y/N empire.

However in the monitoring room Y/N see a few busses arriving at USJ which he smirk.

Y/N: "It time to start my introduction to the world" he said.


The students of Union are amazed at how massive USJ are.

Izuku: "Woah this sure is amazing" he said.

Issei: "I can't wait to see the ladies!" He said with a prevert face only to get puch in the head by Keneko.

Ruby: "I wonder what kind of weapons this place offer!" She said excited.

Naruto: "I hope there strong opponents to fight" he said pump for a fight.

Aizawa: "Alright students. Today" he try to said but a explosion caught everyone attention which they look up to see thousands of robots.

Mina: "Woah they got robots?" She said only for the students to see that both Aizawa and 13 are in attack stances.

Aizawa: "This is not practice!" He said trying to attack but a robot block the attack.

???: "Ohohohohohoho so the famous night hero eraserhead think he is able to fight my creations!" A male voice spoke causing everyone to look only to widen their eyes as a giant robot.

???: "Ohohohohohoho so the famous night hero eraserhead think he is able to fight my creations!" A male voice spoke causing everyone to look only to widen their eyes as a giant robot

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13: "Who are you!" She said which the giant robot chuckle.

Eggman: "I am Eggman! And I bring Union downfall" he said then out of nowhere multiple cubes appear that separate the students throughout USJ.

Above the USJ is a giant airship.

Which is piloting by Sage while Infinite is watching the fight between the students and robots

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Which is piloting by Sage while Infinite is watching the fight between the students and robots.

Infinite: "I'll admit these robots are handling the students like ease" he said.

Sage: "Well considering the fact father have study his enemies weaknesses ahead is useful" she said which Infinite nod only for an alarm to catch their attention.

Infinite: "Is it Union?" He ask which Sage shake her head.

Sage: "No. But the detectors are picking up powerful energy heading towards us" she said then the two look at a monitor to see a blue energy ball heading towards USJ.

Inside USJ.

Currently Y/N aka Eggman is laughing as he easily beaten Aizawa and 13.

Eggman: "Ohohohohohoho. Is that all Union have to offer!" He said only to get hit by some blue energy surprising him which he look only to be godsmack at what he's seeing.

 Is that all Union have to offer!" He said only to get hit by some blue energy surprising him which he look only to be godsmack at what he's seeing

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Sonica: "Hey Egg head I'm Sonica the hedgehog! And I'm here to stop your nefarious plans" she said.

Eggman: "I'm Doctor Eggman! Not Egg head!" He said then try to attack only for Sonica to easily dodge.

Sonica: "Sorry doc but I'm a slippery hedgehog~" she said then begin to spin and attack him surprising everyone as his robot armor started to get destroyed.

Eggman: "Impossible! How can my armor be destroyed by a hedgehog!" He said completely godsmack.

Sonica: "Probably because you never encountered me before~ Now it time for you to go to jail" she said only for a cube to stop her.

Then out of nowhere Infinite appear and create a barrier around Eggman thus hiding his identity.

Eggman: "This isn't over!" He said exiting USJ with his robot army.

A few minutes later.

At Eggman Lair.

Upon entering his Lair Y/N slam his fist onto a table with rage in his eyes.

Meanwhile outside the door is Chris, Agent Stone, Deadly Six, Katella, Infinite, Sage, Cubot and Orbot.

Chris: "... Well guess boss now have a swore enemy" he said which everyone agree.

Y/N: "Curse that hedgehog!" He said yelling with rage.

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