Chapter 11 - Soul's Wrath

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Mash strikes him again at his chin, although Wrath tanks it as he shakes her off, throwing his head to change the trajectory of her shield to throw her to another direction. Passion dashes in inhumane speeds as he grabs the horns on his head to go for a hit, but he throws his head again to throw him to the other direction. Kama throws her Vajra and combusts it with her flames as she directs it, launching itself in a spinning motion towards his chest, but he blocks it with his sword.

This doesn't last much longer as more and more Servants add themselves into the fight, ambushing him at all sides. Assassins are fighting at their best as they ambush between other Servants, like Assassin EMIYA with shots from his Thompson Contender, and Caster and Archers at the ready, firing at him, like Archer EMIYA Alter and Medea as they fire magecraft and arrows straight at Wrath's face. He could only tank them as he retaliated against the melee fighters, like the Sabers, Lancers, Berserkers, etc., however he cannot handle all of it.

This doesn't stop him however. With more damage being dealt with him, the angrier that he got, as more flames combust out of him. The sheer heat alone forced the melee fighters to back off, making the ranged Servants to be the sole damage dealers as the room got hotter and hotter.

Wrath grips tightly on his sword as the blade's edge combust, swallowing the blade in black flames. He then, with a crazy look in his eyes, raises his free hand up and utters one word.


"Holy crap, everyone, DODGE!" Origin cries out as he rolls away from the projectile that Wrath shoots out from his hand, which lands on a pile of debris that had fallen from the ceiling. Gudao and Gudako watch as the debris burns black, quickly and almost instantly burns away, leaving nothing but ashes.

"Do NOT get hit by that! It will not be put out until the very thing consumed by those flames are turned into ashes! They're too hot to deal with anyway, so don't even bother!" Passion cries out as he draws his katana back into his sheathe, crackling with green lightning as he closes it shut and he closes his eyes. He mutters, "Alright, seeing as I'm an equivalent of a Servant now..."

His eyes open as he prepares to dash forward, drawing his blade as lightning now crackles from the blade, increasing his speed and forces him to jump to the walls and run around on the walls in circles, going faster and faster. " the sword of wild emotion! The blade that will dance with ups and downs that cuts down my foes in a fury!" He jumps off and falls towards Wrath, Passion's katana raised above him as he swings it down.

"This is the sword of Passion! ...Cut him down, EPSILON!" Passion's acts as the medium for his Noble Phantasm as the sword is embued with wild lightning, striking down at Wrath with all of his might. A bright flash consumes the room, and when it dims, it reveals that the sword only managed to cut down into Wrath's shoulder, who looks pissed as hell.

"...Wasn't it you who said that I was the strongest of the Soul Fragments...?" Wrath growled as he grabbed Passion's wrist, throwing him over his shoulder and at Gudao, leaving the katana in his shoulder. "You really fucking disappoint me... I'll leave this as a souvenir for myself..."

Gudao manages to catch Passion as Mash tries to jump back in, ready to retaliate again. She ignores the burning heat which practically makes it melting hot inside her armor, but strikes again and again at Wrath. He keeps taking the hits as Mash angrily continues her assault, slamming her shield down and forcing him to look down as he goes on one knee, which surprises him. He slowly raises his head to see Mash, breathing heavily and prepared to hit him again, and he grins.

"Wow... Now that was something!" He raises quickly and stomps down on the floor hard enough for Mash to lose her footing and grabs her by the ankle. He raises her up and stares at her with a wild grin and barely notices Gudao trying to run for Mash, who is being held back by Origin. "You are brave, little one... I can't remember the last time someone tried fighting me, knowing full well what I was capable of..."

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