Chapter 10 - A Journey for Tomorrow

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<DISCLAIMER: Image used is not complete description of a certain character, but possesses a similar figure that I decided to use this>


Saber was all by himself in his room today. Usually, Kama or Atalanta would come visit him at this time of day. Hell, even Artoria Alter, or perhaps even one of those pesky guys...Merlin was it? No matter, it didn't make a difference. Hell, he'd be happy if someone like Nero Claudius visited him at the moment. He was bored out of his mind. He honestly wished to do something, longed for it. He wanted someone to just bother him today.

In short, he was simply bored out of his mind.

He then decided to go out for today. He has yet to find an outfit that felt comfortable to him, that just felt right, so maybe he'll stop by somewhere to get some new clothes.

He'd end up traveling around the base, dodging left and right, trying to be unnoticed by the staff and the other Heroic Spirits here, as he ended up in the storage room where they have stored their Mystic Codes. He'd enter and find a large storage of Combat Uniforms that were left behind by other Rayshift candidates that had died in their Coffins, leftovers of what they had in their possession. He'd take one that seemed to be about his size and, without hesitation, began to rip it apart and modify it. It was almost instinctively, creating this new piece of clothing. He'd end up with a sort of trench coat, with its material used for Rayshifting. The shoulder pads and belts were retained and modified into this new trench coat, the pads not only on the shoulders but parts of it now on the forearms. The belts not only around the waist but now also attached to the new forearm padding, to tighten or loosen it for various cases, and are even on the back of the trench coat, hanging off of a flap on the upper back that was made for whatever reason Saber couldn't recall. After it was completed, Saber would take some remaining pieces of cloth that were left over and wrap them around his right hand, making a modified glove for a better grip for battle, or so he concluded.

And with that, his outfit was complete. His bland look now converted into something new and felt more his alley. It just felt...right.

...right? How would he know? This now has brought Saber into a train of thought that he didn't think he'd have to go through again. This...thought process of what he is, who he is. It's like a suffocating, intoxicating tonic that continues to drown him whenever he encourages such thinking.

He's now back in his room, now looking at a mirror in his bathroom. Splashing water into his face, he takes a huge sigh and looks once more, delving into his depressing thought process. He wonders if he even has anything to do with this place, if he even belongs here. He felt like he was fine originally when he first got here, learning the ropes and befriending whoever he managed to befriend here in Chaldea, but now that's all been rewritten by uncertainty and worry. A huge mood swing if anything, he'd think, but he knew deep down that there's something in him that's...wrong.

Yes, wrong.

He can hear cackling now. As soon as he thought that, he can hear a storm of laughter within him.

' think this is wrong, don't you?'

A mysterious voice spoke to him. Saber would look around to see where it'd come from, but he could not see anything or anyone in here with him. He'd then look at the mirror and see his reflection, yet not his own. This time, his own reflection bore glowing yellow-red eyes with the scleras being slitted, like that of an animal. His eyes bore with hatred, and it frightened Saber.

"...what is this...? Who are you?"

And his reflection would merely laugh, now moving on its own, independent of Saber.

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