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A new morning started with Uzeil flirting with Sia and her ignoring it smoothly as if it never made her tummy feel weird . Ohh !! I might have skipped a big part .

So the thing is after his day 2 , while using the coffee machine he kinda messed it up , our knight in shining Armor Sia came to save the day , well it was for her precious machine but boy oh boy hormones do we explain this to him. Anyhow one finger tip touching was enough for them to feel sparkles.

'I can bet it's just the amazing combinations we ate last night , come on boba you can't fall in love with a monkey ..can you ?? " Wiggling her eyes Ella speak with full dedication.

"It was not aMazIng at all , who the hell eat pregnancy cravings for fun Ella ,something really wrong with you dear ." Cleaning the top of counter Sia corrected with a weird face .

Those weird combinations sure will give her nightmares for a whole week . Like really Tuna and ice cream, Onion and chocolate sounds yuck. But infront of winny little Ella she had to give up . Tough she end up throwing up and beating the hell out of Ella . They had a great SlEepOver . Let's not talk about how weird stuff she have to put on her face in name of skin care . Anyhow then thier normal chit chat  ended up with discussing some serious matters and love problems of Ella .
Sia was simply sitting and talking with her when she felt someone's gaze on her , that made her look at the new comer. A small smile was caught on face of Sia when Uzeil send a wink to her . Making ella growl and glaring poor boy . He was just being flirty ... What's wrong with this lady gosh sometimes she just makes Sia embarrassed.
But does it make her love her less ?? Ofcourse not .
The best thing about thier friendship is it's never ending and forever thingy.
The day went by just like normal days .

The night falls and while looking at the moon Sia wished to be in love the most extraordinary way . The most beautiful yet mesmerizing way . The way no one has ever fell . The way she has always imagined. A bit like what Ella told her (dam that horney woman , already has started to leave her impression of LOVE on poor Sia ) . Our baby doesn't even know how too kiss . But my my she was determined to break her purity .Uzeil seems to be a nice option . He is cute , caring and cunning . Well the last part was ofcourse invisible by our lovely girl . Anyhow not completely Ella's way but more like cute love , yup that's what Sia wants to feel . To fall in love with someone. Someone whom she can call hers and someone who will be there to shower her with love and happiness. Someone might be Uzeil . With this thought in her mind Sia closed her eyes and went to her dreamland

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