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Peridot's POV

I felt myself begin to reform. My physical form slowly regenerated till I landed onto a soft surface. I looked around to see that I was lying on my bed in the barn. 'I don't think I got here myself. Someone must've found me.' I thought. I looked around to see Lapis staring out of the barns window. I got out of bed and stretched. I walked over towards Lapis, who was still staring outside. I took a seat next to her and also looked outside. It was quiet until Lapis cleared her throat. "I'm sorry. I was gone for so long. I knew you were hurting without me. I was. I missed everything about you. So when you told me that the likelihood of 2G1E ever coming back was slim to none. Then, when you told me you felt like you knew me, I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to hope for something so unlikely. So I pushed you away. I'm so sorry, Peridot." Lapis said. Lapis eyes began to drop tears as she looked at me. I brought her into a hug. Lapis hugged back. "I should've been stronger. I missed you. During the years you were gone, I cried, I begged, I wished. But in the end, I did something I now regret. I've should've been stronger for you. Only if I waited longer, you wouldn't have suffered the feelings of losing someone you cared for." I said. The build-up of tears now began to pour out. We sat there for some time, keeping each other in a tight embrace. "It wasn't your fault. It must've felt awful not knowing what happened to me." Lapis said. "It did. But in the end. It was worth all of the pain and effort to see you again." I said. Lapis pulled back and smiled at me. I smiled back at her. At that moment, it felt like it was mandatory. Lapis began to inch closer, and I followed along. Our faces are now an inch apart. The breath of hers is now being felt across my face. I closed the gap between us. Our lips interlock. It felt like an eternity. Felt like electricity flowing between us. Our passion and love for another was evident in our kiss. I pulled away to see the eyes I've fell for thousands of years ago. Again, I'm falling for them now. The tears of sadness are now tears of pure happiness. Lapis raised her hand and used our tears to make a heart. Dropping the heart into my hands. I smiled weakly at her as Lapis smiled back at me. We stayed close to each other that night. Giving kisses and saying sweetnothings to one another.

*Next day.*

Start of Log 1-1

"I've resetted my logs. This is a marking point of a new beginning. I have grown as a gem. I feel more alive than I ever had. It's all because of Lapis. I love her, and she loves me. It's a powerful bond between the two of us. Pain, sadness, and feelings of hopelessness. All have been washed away by the chance of something new. That being us. We are finally united after a painful struggle. Many tears were spilled, and there were many difficulties present. But the two of us overcame them. Now we have been rewarded. We can live peacefully on Earth. Together. This is Peridot Facet 2F5L Cut-5XG reporting out."

End of Log

I looked over towards Lapis, who was standing behind me. "I couldn't have said it any better, Peri." Lapis said. I smiled at her as I took her hand. I wasn't wearing my enhancers anymore since I have something better than them. It felt nice to physically hold Lapis's hand. Lapis smiled back. Lapis motioned for me to climb onto her back. I did what she requested, and we then flew off. Lapis flew without care as well as I. The two of us together for as long as the universe allowed it.

A/N (I know this is a rather short chapter, but I will be adding a time skip epilouge, including what happened to the other characters of this story. Did you guys like the ending of this story? If so, why? If not, why? As always, love you guys ❤️)

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