A Prison

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Lapis POV
'It's been thousands of years trapped within this mirror. I was left behind by Homeworld to suffer this fate. I can only imagine what's happening on the other side. I miss being free. I miss my home but I miss Peridot the most. I had promised to return. I still plan to keep that promise, but what if she thinks I abandoned her?' I thought to myself. Suddenly, the view outside the mirror began to shift and now see a face with a gem located on her forehead. "Show me pictures of Homeworld." The gem asks. 'I'm not showing anything to her.' I thought to myself. "It's been cracked on the back, so I doubt it'll work." The gem says. "I'll take it." Says another voice. Suddenly, the view shifts, and I am now staring at a thing with curley black hair. "We are gonna be summer beach sun buddies!" it says to me. My surroundings continue to shift as I notice we are outside, and I can see the brightness coming from the sun. I can hear the creature running. "We are gonna have so much fun, you and me!." It says. Just as the creature said that, it seemed to have run into something. "Watch where you're going... Steven." Another voice says. I then heard this sound. "Pffft!" coming from this Steven. Steven began to run once more. I copied the noise Steven has made. "Pffft!" Suddenly, the view has stopped and now face to face with Steven. "Did you make that noise?" Steven asked. "Pffft." I replied. Steven now seemed happy and began to laugh at my mirror, seeming happy that I copied his noise. After he calmed down, he began running once more, allowing me to see the ocean. I began to hear a new voice seeming rather loud. "It's great to be here for the coming season. A warm summer breeze warfs through the air." "Pffft," I heard coming from Steven. As I also hear laughter coming from nearby. "We all look forward to the sounds of the summer season." "Pffft." I made the sound this time. "Smells of the busy boardwalk." "Pffft." I made the sound again, getting giggles from different areas. "Wet hot ocean winds." "Pffft." Getting more giggles than before and Steven seeming amused. "The pressure that has built up all year and let it out." "Pffft." Making the sound again and now hearing chior of laughter. "Wow, you've picked up that fast." Steven said. As he said that, he began moving again, taking me along with him. He began to lay down, and I began to make more fart jokes. Soon, the outside became darker outside. "You got a lot of mileage out of that joke. You are pretty funny for a mirror." Steven said. "You are pretty funny for a mirror." I said. "I'm not a mirror." Steven said. "You're are pretty funny for a Steven." I said. "You made something new. What else do you have to say?" Steven asked. "Steven is a new friend." I said. "Really?" He said with excitement. "I gotta tell the gems they'll love you." Steven said. "NO!" I kept repeating. "They'll love you." As he began to make me and him walk towards towards his building. He went through a door. "I fixed the mirror." Steven says. "Nice job, Steven." Someone says. "You didn't tell me that this mirror was like a person. Come on, say something, aren't we beach summer fun buddies?" Steven said. Suddenly, a tall gem appeared and asked Steven to hand me over. "No!" I kept repeating. As I saw the hand move closer towards me. Suddenly, Steven reacted by slapping the gems hand that was reaching for me. "It wants to be with me!" Steven said. "I'm sorry." Steven said as the view changed once more. I heard Steven running and then stopping. "What do you want me to do?" Steven asked. "Let me out." I said. "I don't know what you want me to do." Steven says. As he said that, I showed him what he needed to do, which would be grabbing my Gem and pulling it out of the mirror. He followed my instructions as I felt myself moving. I was finally released from the mirror, causing it to break and me to reform. "Thank you. You actually talked to me, and you helped me. It's Steven, right? You helped me." I said. "STEVEN!". I heard a voice scream. "You three knew I was there, and you didn't do anything. Did you wonder who I used to be? I am Lapis Lazliu, and you are not going to keep me trapped anymore!" I said. As I then used my power to attack my captors. "Come with me, Steven. I said. "Where to?" Steven asks, seeming hesitant to leave. He didn't want to leave but I couldn't waste any more time. "Don't trust them, Steven. Goodbye." I said as I headed into the ocean. 'I need to return Homeworld. Return to Peridot.' I thought to myself.

Promise Kept? (Lapidot)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora