Peridot's Creation

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Peridot's POV
Log 87 "I've finally returned from my shift, and I have the ability to return work on my robonoids thst I've been frantically working on every chance I had." End of Log. I began to grab the tools that were required to prepare the finale touches on my robonoids that I've been working on for weeks. The purpose of these robonoids was to be used for maintenance and scouting. As I added my final preparations, I heard a rather loud knock on my door, so I begrudgingly put down my tools and headed to open my apartment door. As I opened the door, it seemed to me no one was there, so as I peeked outside, I was suddenly grabbed by an orange brute and quickly pulled into a bear hug. "Let go of me!" I yelled. "HAHA, I got myself a Peridot!" Jasper says while continuing to mess up my hair. Jasper grip weakened, and I slipped out of it while glaring towards Jasper. "Alright, I didn't come by to just give you a hard time. Peridot, I was wondering if you liked to be my assistant when it comes to patrol. Because I've been promoted to having a ship of my own." Jasper says. "It beats doing paperwork daily, so when do you need me to start?" I asked. "I'll need you to meet me outside of the office in 3 days before the shift starts." Jasper said. "You have a deal, Jasper." I said. As fast as Jasper arrived, she had already left, seemingly happy I accepted the invitation. 'Now she's gone. I can return to my robonoids, "I thought to myself and quickly sat down and began focusing once more. 'This surely put me in the spotlight once completed with these prototypes I've built. Maybe I'll get a favor or two within gem society. I thought to myself. As I continued working and finally activated my first Robonoid. It seemed to be working but stationary due to having no commands enabled. I began the procedure by telling the robonoid to walk around and get familiar with its surroundings. As it began walking around the apartment, it carefully dodged anything that could've been damaged if the robonoid ran into it. 'Seems to me that the movement of theirs is quite calculated and takes precaution when moving around'. I thought to myself. As I was thinking the robonoid began climbing me at first I thought about taking if off but I allowed it to climb further up as it reached near my face it climbed onto my back then up my neck then seemingly climbing and perching itself on top of my hair. 'This robonoid could have its benefits as a friend, I suppose.' I thought to myself. It began to climb its way down and got off of me and headed to its original location and sat there waiting for new orders. I haven't said this, but another purpose of this robonoid is that it could repair anything that was damaged if placed nearby with a full view of the damaged part. I quickly went over to a vase that was in the apartment and broke it with my enhancer glove. I picked up the pieces, and I returned to the robonoid and placed the pieces in front of it. I quickly entered a command telling the robonoid to fix the damaged vase. It soon pulled out a small cannon that fired small green goo that began to repair the damaged vase resetting it to its original form. 'Seems like my invention was a complete success.' I thought to myself. As I began to put my tools away for the night and attempted to sit down to relax after a long day of work, I suddenly heard the robonoid move once more over towards me. I allowed it to move closer and as it began to climb once more, reaching my face. Then it walked itself onto my back up my neck and into my hair once more. 'Should I remove this robonoid and place back down on my desk, or should I allow for it to stay in my hair. Surely it won't cause any harm while laying in my hair, right?' I sat back down and continued reading logs and what information I could. I noticed a rather interesting portion, which was the end of the gem war that caused ERA 2 to begin. It seemed interesting how some off colored gems could beat us, but it says here that we purposefully left earth and left it alone after blasting it with the diamonds' power in an attempt to destory all organic life. I continued looking and reading reports and casualties being listed, but I noticed another portion, which was just listed as MISSING. As I continued reading the missing reports, there was one that caught my eye, and that was of a Lapis Lazliu. No confirmed reports of her disappearance other than disappeared during the war. Yet to me, it seemed so familiar, like I knew that gem even though I was only made 87 days ago. 'I haven't even seen a Lapis Lazliu yet, so how could I recognize one'? It's probably just my mind playing tricks on me once again. I continued the night reading, but a small feeling inside of me felt like there was more to this mystery.

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