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Lapis POV

It's been a week since my arrival on this ship. During my time here, Jasper has become increasingly aggressive with her interrogation techniques. She had left many bruises on me and in an attempt to convince me to share more information about the crystal gems. Peridot hasn't been by much to my dismay. Leaving Jasper to toy with her prisoners, which included a Zircon, Sapphire, and a Quartz. That's all I know about the other gems located on this ship. I'm not sure if there's any extra on board. I heard footsteps faintly but an increase in sound every time the foot lands onto the floor. I've recognized the footsteps as Jasper. She probably wanted to interrogate me again for any more Intel. As expected, Jasper appeared, looking down at me. "Open the field to allow me in Peridot!" Jasper said. As told, Peridot lowered the field that was keeping me away from Jasper. Jasper walked into my cell and quickly picked me up and dragged me along with her. She then brought me into the room she used for interrogation. She threw me into a chair and placed cuffs around my wrist that were nailed into the table to prevent any attempt of escape. She brought out a destabilizer and quickly placed onto the table, making it obvious that she would use it to torture me. "You'll gonna tell us anything that you haven't told us! I'll make sure of that!" Jasper yelled at me. "I swear I don't have anything else that's worth noting!" I pleaded. Jasper suddenly grabbed the destabilizer and shocked me with it. Not long enough for me to poof but to make sure it hurt. Tears were in my eyes due to the intense pain I was feeling. "I know you're lying, and I'll make sure to get it out of you!" Jasper yelled. I couldn't take it anymore and began crying. I wished this wasn't my fate for the next few months, but I knew it was. Every day, Jasper would drag me out of my cell and attempt to get any information out of me. Even if I didn't know anything more, she'd never be happy and continue to torture me for the fun of it. "I seriously don't know anymore! PLEASE STOP HURTING ME!" I yelled. Tears flew freely from my eyes as expected. I didn't know what else to do other than beg for mercy, and in hopes Jasper would return me to my cell. The door to the interrogation room opened and stood there, Peridot. "Jasper! We are attempting to extract information, not torture, until she poofs! If she doesn't say anything, that's up to her and when Blue Diamond sentences her. For now, return her to her cell." Peridot demanded. "And who are you to tell me what to do runt?" Jasper said, obviously offended. "Yellow Diamond has made her MY prisoner, not yours. For this mission, I have control over what you do to her." Peridot said. Jasper, seemingly upset her session, was ended early, begrudgingly brought me back to my cell. All leaving my cell and the cell closed once more and leaving me trapped once more. I quickly laid back down and began softly crying until failing asleep the for the first time while on this ship.

I looked around to observe my surroundings and realized where I was. 'This happened 5100 years ago. What am I doing here?' I saw two figures in the distance, and as made my way over it, I recognized Peridot 2G1E and myself. "I'll be heading to Earth for some time, Peridot, but I'll be back," I said. "As much as I don't want you to go, I know you can't stay. Just come back safely, okay? Peridot 2G1E asked. "I promise." I said. I felt sick to my stomach. Because I failed her only request. I had broken my promise that I'd would return to her. It felt like yesterday when I made that promise to her. She probably suffered for so long having to deal with me gone. The scene of my dream changes. It's back in Peridot's 2F5L Apartment. "I know it's a lot to ask Peridot, but please promise you'll be there when they sentence me for my crimes when we return. Even if I'm shattered, I hope to be near someone I know." I begged. "I promise." Peridot 2F5L said. How could I beg someone to be there for me when I couldn't be there for someone else? How weak am I? I was begging a near stranger for reassurance. I failed someone I didn't deserve to beg someone for help. As thoughts continued to run through my head, I heard something. "Lapis? LAPIS?! ARE YOU OKAY?" A voice screamed.

*End of Dream*

I suddenly shot up from my dream to see Peridot standing over me. "Are you okay? I saw on the camera that you were crying and shaking horrifically. "Why do you care? I mumbled. "Because I have to make sure my prisoners are okay." Peridot said. "Well, I'm fine, so go away." I said. "I know that isn't true, Lapis, but if you're not going to tell me, I have a different question to ask. What were you doing just a few minutes ago? Peridot asked. "I was sleeping Peridot. It's something I like to do to pass the time or if I'm exhausted." I said. "How does it work?" Peridot asked. "Well, if you must know, it's where you lay down and find a nice spot to rest. You then close your eyes and think about nothing or something of your choice. After a while, you'll fall asleep." I said. "Interesting." Peridot said. "Well, if that's all you can go." I said. Peridot seemed to be surprised by my bluntness but didn't leave. "Well, you've been acting well during your time here, so I was wondering if you liked to follow me to show you something." Peridot said. "I'm not interested. Go away." I said, growing tired of Peridot's presence. "I'm sure you'll be fine, so come along before I drag you with me." Peridot said with a smirk. I was surprised with her reply, but accepting she wasn't going to leave unless I came along. I got up from the floor and got up. I realized that she didn't have energy cuffs. I knew it was futile to try to escape, so I didn't try anything and silently followed her as we began to walk down the halls of the ship. "If you're wondering why I haven't cuffed you, it is that you've been on good behavior, and I know you wouldn't try anything anyway." Peridot said. I groaned in response. We continued our walk till we entered a room. It was beautiful, to say the least. The room was covered in bright colors and seemingly covered in comfortable furniture but also wildlife from Earth. "How did you do all of this?" I asked. "Virtual reality does wonders. Also, if you're wondering about the organic life here, I just found it pleasing to look at while spending time on Earth. So I added them here. I hope you enjoy this surprise, and if you continue to remain on good behavior, you can expect to be in here often." Peridot said. "There's two others here, which are the Zircon and the Sapphire. The Zircon prefers to remain isolated, but the Sapphire seems to enjoy talking with others. If you're wondering where the Quartz is, she can't be here due to her temper, so it's just you and the other two. Peridot said. Peridot then began to walk over to the Sapphire that was standing near a fountain. I quickly caught up to Peridot and walked with her towards the Sapphire. The Sapphire turned around, seemingly happy to see both of us. "Just on time! I was expecting you to bring a friend, Peridot." Sapphire said. Before I could say anything about being friends, Peridot began to speak. "I've brought Lapis since she's been good and also to bring you someone you could finally talk to." Peridot said. The Sapphire nodded at her response and motioned for me to take a seat next to her on the fountain. "I need to head out for now, so don't get into trouble, okay?" Peridot said. She quickly walked away from the two of us. Once out of earshot, I turned towards the Sapphire. I began making small talk with her, finding out that she was here due to working with off colored gems. I told her my story as well, trying to get more aquanticed with her. "I have a favor to ask Shappire. Could you tell me what's my fate is?" I asked. "Well, the most probable fate is that the mission succeeds, and the Crystal Gems are destroyed and go onto trial, including the two of us, and are shattered. But there's other futures that are probable, like where our ship crashes and we become free on Earth or many other scenarios that could happen. But I feel like there's more to this." Sapphire said. "There is. Which futures are Peridot apart of?" I asked. "Seemingly all of them. One way or another, she has a role to play in your life." Sapphire said. I was glad that someone I knew would be there for me. "I'm not sure if sure if you could answer me this, but are Peridot 2G1E and Peridot 2F5L connected? It bothers me that they are so similar." I said. Sapphire thought for a moment and looked backed towards me. "Yes, Peridot 2G1E seemingly was replaced by Peridot 2F5L. If my future vision is correct, she'll slowly remember herself the more time she spends with you. It may take a long time to restore her memories, but if you don't do anything, you'll be stuck with a husk of her former self." Sapphire said. Sapphire had no reason to lie to me. If she is telling the truth, that means Peridot 2G1E and Peridot 2F5L are the same. I was nearly bursting into joy about the news. That means my Peridot is somewhere deep within her mind and needed help getting it out. It's the least I could do for how much she's done for me so far. Shappire must've noticed my excitement, and it seemed to be affecting her as well since she had a smile on her face. "It'll take time, but if you put effort into this, you'll have your friend back." Sapphire said. "But how do I get closer to her when I'm locked away all the time?" I asked. "Maybe you could convince her to come to your cell more often to speak." Sapphire said. "Good idea. We spoke quite a bit today when she came to my cell, so surely there's other things that interest her!" I said. "That's something you'll need to figure out Lapis, but I believe you can do it. If you need any more advice I'll be here whenever we are taken into this room." Sapphire said. I heard the sound of metallic boots hitting the floor to see Peridot has returned. "I see you two are getting along well." Peridot said. "Yes, it's been enjoyable to speak with Lapis here. If you wouldn't mind bringing her here more often, I'd appreciate it." Sapphire said. I nodded to agree with her. "Well, if she continues to act well, I can assure you she'll be here more often than not. But I'm sorry, I'll need to return you three back into your cells." Me and Sapphire and the Zircon follow Peridot and lead the two others into their cells with me continuing to follow Peridot. "Peridot, I know it might be a lot to ask, but could you come to my cell whenever you can? It'll make me feel better if you did." I said. "I could head to your cell whenever I can, but that's not going to be often Lapis." Peridot said. I nodded to her response and finally reached my cell. She quickly opened the electrical field and allowed me in. "Peridot? Could you bring me Steven to keep me company?" I asked. "The robonoid?" Peridot asked. I nodded. Peridot seemed hesitant at first but agreed to give me the robonoid. After what felt like forever, she returned with Steven in her hands. She brought the field down and handed me Steven. "I'm hoping you won't try to escape using the robonoid." Peridot said. "I promise I won't try anything, Peridot. Thank you for being so kind." I said. Peridot's face seemingly had a light blush of green at the fact that I had given her a compliment. I stiffled a laugh not to make Peridot angry. "You're welcome, Lapis." Peridot said. She walked away, and I sat down with Steven. 'That could have gone worse. Maybe I'll have an actual chance of helping her. I just hope she keeps her part of the deal with visiting when she can.' I thought to myself while holding Steven. A slight smile appeared on my face when I realized that not everything is horrible.

Promise Kept? (Lapidot)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon