All is Good

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*7 days later after "Bonding."*

Peridot's POV

Start of Log 347
"It's been a week since me and Lapis have moved into the barn. I've enjoyed my time here, and I'm sure Lapis has to. Yet something has been gnawing at me for some time. Where has Jasper been? It's like she disappeared. None of the Crystal Gems have any leads, and the two of us here at the barn haven't seen any signs of Jasper either. Garnet sent Steven yesterday telling us to meet them at their beach house today to speak more about where Jasper could be hiding. Yet that isn't the only thing that's been making me more nervous than usual. The dreams I've been having are becoming more vivid. When waking, I feel disoriented, worried, and mostly anxious. I don't have any logical reasons for these dreams. Yet they all have similarities. Lapis and a Peridot named 2G1E for short. I would like to ask Lapis more about my predicament, but last time I asked, Lapis exploded in anger, so I don't think I should. I'll have to figure this out myself, even if I want help."
End of Log
I looked around the field of flowers that I've become accustomed to. Every time I sit here, I feel at peace. I know the peace will be short-lived. Lapis will return from doing earthly chores, and we will head towards Steven's house. I've grown to enjoy Lapis presence. I don't show It often, but I appreciate having her company. I can only assume Lapis feelings are mutual. We have spent a lot of time together sharing stories about our lives. Of course, Lapis has many more, but she is still fascinated about mine that I share. "Peridot!" A voice yelled. I looked around the field to see Lapis making her way towards me. "I see you're in the field again. I can't blame you. It's beautiful." Lapis said. "It's just something about it. It brings me peace." I said. "Well, we have to get going to Steven's house. We don't want to be late meeting the Crystal Gems." Lapis said. Lapis reached an arm out towards me, and I graciously took it. Now firmly holding onto Lapis back, we took off towards Steven's house. We neared our destination and began landing. Once Lapis touched ground, I hopped off her back and stood side by side. We walked up the stairs and now stood in front of Steven's front door. I knocked, and we waited for a response. "Come in!" A voice yelled. The two of us entered and were met with a familiar view. "Hey guys! It's so nice to see you again!" Steven yelled as he walked down the stairs from his bed. Steven quickly ran over and hugged Lapis. Steven released Lapis and began hugging me. I returned the hug. "It's been a week since I've seen you guys. How have you been?" Steven asked. Lapis began talking to Steven while I sat down in a chair listening in on their conversation. It wasn't long before the Crystal Gems returned. Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl were all here. "Glad to see you two made it." Pearl said. Amethyst walked over towards me and sat in a chair next to me. "Hey, P-dot, it's been a little while. How have you been?" Amethyst asked. "It's been relaxing. I have enjoyed my time spent on Earth so far." I said. Garnet approached and took a seat as well. Pearl took a seat on the couch. "Glad to see you two are still around. I'm hoping you like the barn." Pearl said. "It's been a great place to stay. I'll have to thank Greg for it whenever I meet him again." I said. "We have to begin our meeting. Do you two have any ideas on where Jasper could be?" Garnet asked. Lapis shook her head no, but I might have an idea. "Jasper could be attempting to reestablish communications with Homeworld. That could easily be done with the kindergartens that exist on Earth."  I said. Garnet took a moment to think before saying something. "It's possible. But that would mean we would need to spilt up. I can be assured you two will be fine by yourselves?" Garnet asked. Me and Lapis nodded. "Then that's settled. But we have something else to talk about. Have you two given it any thought of becoming a Crystal Gem?" Garnet asked. I have given it thought, but I wasn't entirely sure if I should join. If Homeworld would return in stronger forces and did win against us, I'd be punished heavily. Yet everything here on Earth has made me feel more at home than Homeworld ever did. "I want to be a Crystal Gem." I said. Everyone other than Garnet was surprised. Garnet had a smirk on her face. Garnet got up from her chair and walked over towards me. Putting an arm around me. "We welcome our newest Crystal Gem. Everyone, give a round of applause to Peridot." Garnet said. The room was filled with clapping and a few woops from Amethyst. Garnet turned her attention towards Lapis. "What about you, Lapis?" Garnet asked. Lapis thought for a moment. "If they are going to treat me like a Crystal Gem, why don't I become one? I hope you have enough room for me as well." Lapis said. The room once more erupted into cheers and claps. "You heard these two. These two are now Crystal Gems!" Garnet said. Steven quickly got up from the couch and quickly brought me and Lapis into a hug. "More Crystal Gems!" Steven yelled. It felt nice to be accepted. I hope not to let the Crystal Gems down on my first mission. "Alright. That's everything for our meeting today. We need to head out and look for Jasper. We'll head to the Beta Kindergarten. You two will head to the Prime Kindergarten." Garent said. Pearl, Amethyst, Garnet, and Steven walk over to the warp pad and leave. "I guess we have our mission. Come on, let's go." Lapis said. We walked over to the warp pad. Arriving at the Prime Kindergarten and walked off the pad. "Alright, Lapis, we are here. I'm guessing we should check the ancient machines for any signs of Jasper." I said. "I will be in the sky while you stay on the ground." Lapis said. I gave her a thumbs up. Lapis summoned her wings and flew into the sky while I stayed on foot. I began walking further into the kindergarten. 'If Jasper was here, it'd be obvious. This kindergarten hasn't been activated, seemingly, in centuries or more. If anything, Jasper could be at any ancient gem ruins to find a communicator. But I guess it's best to start at a suitable sight.

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