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Peridot's POV

"The mission was a failure, Peridot, and I am disappointed in your efforts." Yellow Diamond said. "My Diamond, the warp pad was working when I left surely something must've happened after I left!" I said. "That doesn't matter now, does it? The pad is down, and to me, you've failed. But being remorseful, I won't shatter you, but you'll need to double your efforts in your work to make up for the embarrassment for yourself and Jasper." Yellow Diamond said. "Yes, my Diamond." I said. "You may leave now." Yellow Diamond said. I turned around from the Diamond and began my exodus. 'What could've happened? Surely I didn't fail. The pad was working when I left, so something must've destroyed the pad.' I thought to myself. Suddenly, I bump into someone. "Watch where you're going runt!" I looked up to see Jasper with anger laced in her eyes. "You've cost me a lot of respect for our embarrassment of a mission!" Jasper exclaimed. "I didn't fail the mission something or someone destroyed the pad after I left!" I yelled. As suddenly was pushed down to the floor by none other than by Jasper. "Don't you dare talk back to me, Runt! I'll have you shattered if you step out of line again! Remember, I am your superior, not your friend! Jasper screamed. I quickly nodded and got back up, quickly making my way towards work in an attempt to evade Jasper for now. I entered the building and quickly sat down and began working. S TART OF LOG 227. "Seemingly, my mission has failed, and now everyone looks at me with disappointment or anger. The pad was working when I left, but something has caused the pad to shut down once more." END OF LOG. I began typing away into my logs, keeping up what's required for today. Suddenly, I felt a presence next to me, and I saw Jasper towering over me. "You're being given a chance to slightly redeem yourself by starting with this reintroduction of a gem." Jasper said with a hint of disgust in her voice. As she handed me the files I looked through to see a Lapis Lazliu. Being the first gem of this kind I've seen actually startled me a bit. I wasn't expecting to be meeting such a high-class gem. 'This might be my only chance to figure out if this is the gem I keep seeing when I daydream.' I thought to myself. I quickly risen from my desk and quickly prepared myself to meet such a powerful gem. Surely, this Lapis has something to do with my mystery. I quickly walked over to where she was being held and entered the room. As I sat down, she intently stared at me, making me anxious. "What's your purpose of returning?" I asked. "I wanted to return after after being gone for 5000 years." Lapis replied. "Where did you return from?" I asked. "Locals call the planet Earth." Lapis said. 'She's one of the missing gems from Earth? Surely she has to be the one that I've been interested in.' I thought to myself. "So you've returned from Earth, and what was your purpose of returning here? Are you looking for a new assignment? Looking for friends?" I asked. "Yes, I wanted to ask about an ERA 1 Peridot that was living on Homeworld. If you could check your files about a Peridot 2G1E and tell me her status, I'd be appreciative." Lapis asked. I quickly opened my logs to see what condition this Peridot was in. As I was scanning, it became evident that the Peridot she was asking for no longer exists. "I'm sorry to say Lapis, but the Peridot you've asked for doesn't seem to exist. Says here that 3000 years ago, she undergone a "treatment" conducted by White Diamond that ended her life." I said. "What?! Surely she isn't gone! I promised her that I would come back!" Lapis pleaded. "Says here that she went through a treatment that allowed her to forget her memories but at the cost of losing her physical body. It also says that if she was to return, she would have become an ERA 2 Peridot but aren't exactly sure when or if she has resurfaced." I said. Lapis seemingly devastated by the news and began softly crying as reality hits hard sometimes. "Well, we do need to get back on track, so I'll need you to answer a few more questions, and we'll see about getting yourself outside to see the city." I said. As I heard a low growl coming from the Lapis, upset about losing a friend. 'Great going, Peridot. Your first Lapis and you've already made her angry at you.' I thought to myself. Suddenly, Lapis perked back up. "You said that she could've resurfaced? Could that mean she's somewhere on Homeworld?" She asked. "Possibly, but the likelihood of her being nearby is slim to none and as equally as low being residing on Homeworld at all." I said. Lapis seemingly shutting down again after my sentence seemed to go through her.
"Well, that's all of the questions, and I am sorry for your loss. Lapis, it sounds like this Peridot was very important to you." I said. "Well, do we get to explore the city?" I asked. Lapis nod in confirmation. I got up from the chair and gestured for her to follow me. As we exited, the building it became evident that it was becoming late, but as per orders from Yellow Diamond, I wasn't allowed to end my shift until it was dark out. "So much has changed." Lapis blurted out. "Well, I wouldn't know much since I've only come out from the ground recently." I replied. "How old are you?" Lapis asked. "I am only 227 days old." I said. As I heard Lapis giggling next to me. "Don't make fun of me, you CLOD!" I screamed. Lapis only now suddenly became quiet with a look of sadness in her eyes. "I'm sorry, I just don't like to be made fun of being young." I said. "It's not that it just reminds me of my friend. She used to call everyone a clod if they got her angry." Lapis said. "Anyways, thank you for the tour, but where will I be staying?" Lapis asked with hints of sadness lingering in her voice. "That's a good question, but first, I need to clock out of my shift, so please follow me." I said.
As we entered the apartment complex, it became evident to me that Lapis had nowhere to go. So I offered her to share an apartment with me, and she agreed because she didn't have anywhere to go. As we entered my apartment, I was suddenly bombarded by my robonoids, seemingly happy that I've returned. As I heard giggling next to me to see Lapis with a smirk on her face and picked up my first made robonoid. "What are these little things named?" Lapis questioned. "Robonoids, but they tend not to be this clingy." I said. Suddenly, the robonoid Lapis was holding shifted and began climbing up Lapis and perching itself into her hair. "I love these things already! Do they have names?" Lapis asked with stars in her eyes. "No, they all are just called Robonoids. I can't afford to get to attached to them in case they get destroyed." I said. "Alright, but can I write something on this one since it seems to like me a lot." Lapis asked. "Knock yourself out." I said. Lapis quickly runs over to a jar of pens and then begins to write a name "Steven". "What's a Steven?" I questioned. "Someone I meant while on Earth." Lapis says. Lapis then begins to look towards the window with "Steven" in her hands, taking in the view of Homeworld. "Doesn't seem so scary when you look at it from here." Lapis says. Lapis only continued to stare out the window as I quickly sat down in my chair, admiring the view as well.

(Well, this is one of my longer chapters, but to whoever is reading, I hope you're enjoying this story so far!)

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