Chapter 20 (END)

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   I woke up in the morning with ease in my heart, after what we've been through all the hard time will be memories. I found the right person and my family is back together.

I got up from my bed and immediately ran to the kitchen to make sure that my father is actually back. I entered the kitchen and saw my family are back together. My dad is helping my mom is cooking and of course my brothers are fighting over a piece of pancake like usual.

I walked up to them "good morning dad and mom!" I said to my parents. "Where's our good morning" my brothers looked at me with a confused expression. "Bad morning" I told them with a mocking smile and walked away to the living room. "Mom dad! Did you see how your daughter treats her own brothers" my brother told my parents but they just laughed it off. "Elena!! Come here!!" Kai got up calling for me. "Catch me!" I responded with a smirk on my face. "Oh wait and see" Kai said as he ran after me.

At school Damien was waiting for me with a smile on his face. I didn't hesitate and walked up to him. He looked at me with his shine beautiful eyes. "Glad you're okey" he told me with a bigger smile and I smiled back as a response.

We went to the classroom together and did everything together I was thankful that I didn't see Olga to this day or this day would be ruined.

When the school was over we walked together to the river and sat there for several hours talking about many things that we couldn't talk about. But as usual a phone call interrupted us, it was my brother that always want to ruin things.

Me: what?
Leo/ Kai: where are you!
Me: how come you guys always together like a gum?
Leo/ Kai: how come you always have questions? Just come home is getting late dad is worried
Me: tell him I will come but in an hour
Leo/ Kai: fine! Only this once next time you will come home immediately without any excuses got it! I will back up for you sis!
Me: thanks! Love you not really but I do bye!

I immediately hung up before he starts to argue with me and went back to Damien. as I started to walk up to him he looked up at me and started laughing. "What? brothers again?" He said with a beautiful light laugh I laughed back and sat back down.

After talking for an hour exactly I got another call from my brothers. "I'm sorry but I will go!" I said as I got up so did he. He got closer and kissed my forehead. "Is summer so no more school, I will pick you up for a date!" He said as he held my head and lead the way. I was so happy that my life was getting much better than how it was.

9 years later:
"Dad you didn't have to bring anything and you know that" I told my dad with a smile. "How couldn't I in my only daughter's wedding?" He told me as he leaned in to hug me so did it.I suddenly noticed my brother's running my way. "sis!!" My brothers yelled from the back as they run my way. My dad turned around and smiled at them. "They're funny, they were so excited this morning about your wedding" my dad said as he turned around. I smiled back. "Sis we got you this take it without hesitation" they gave me keys of a car I've always wanted. "Oh my god! Leo! Kai! Thank youu!!" I hugged them so tight that they couldn't breath. "Okey let go I cant breath" I immediately let go of him "sorry!" He laughed back at me. Then suddenly I head the music play. "Looks like the wedding is about to start" my dad told me as he hugged me one more time and took my hand.

I felt really nervous but confident. My father held my hand and walked me down the aisle. The room was silent I saw couple of people crying from happiness and some smiling I looked in front of me and saw Damien standing there with his beautiful tidy suit on it was a brand new person in front of me. I stood in front of Damien.

The notary asks him. "Damien Kail, do you take this woman to be your wife, to live together in the same house to love her, to honor her, to comfort her and to keep her in sickness and in health forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" Damien looked at me with a confident "I do" he smiled at me as he said that. " Elena Verena, do you take  this man to be your husband, to live together under the same roof, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" The notary asks me this time. "I do" I said with confidence. " Repeat after me!" The notary tells Damien. " I Damien Kail, take you "Elena Verena, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part" Damien does as the notary asks him to do. " now please place the ring on her finer and repeat after me" notary tells Damien. He slowly got the ring out and carefully held my hand and placed the ring on it. This is the moment I almost started to cry. "I give you this ring as a token and pledge of our constant faith and abiding love" Damien repeats after notary. Now it was my turn to place the ring on his finger and repeat the same sentence.

We held hands and the notary tells us "By virtue of the authority vested in me under the laws of state of Manhattan, I pronounce you husband and wife" as he said that notary wanted to continue "you may ki-" but he couldn't because Damien already pulled me for a kiss as a tear fell out of my eye. I heard my dad celebrating so my brothers with my mom. It was the happiest day of my life.

2 years later:
"Honey! Change their diapers!" I yelled. "Alright! Got you" he answered back and took out twins to the bathroom while I was cooking out breakfast. "Hey you little ones come back here!" I see the thing's crawling out of the room naked. I laughed as my husband picked on of them up. "Dont laugh! You know is hard" he told me with a laugh. "Alright sure honey, breakfast is ready let me help you now" I placed the plates on the table and walked up to these little troublemakers. I picked one of them up and we both went to the bathroom to change their diapers.

That's how my life went I got married gave birth to one girl and one boy they are twins and my unforgettable memory was replaced with happy once.......

!!The end!!

Writer: Sophia

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