Chapter 4

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I woke up in the morning. "Good morning Elena, I didn't see you yesterday" I looked up and saw Owen. "Yeah whatever, get out of my room" seeing him first thing in the morning annoys me. "Woah what's with the attitude, not a morning person i see" I'm already annoyed, I sighed and covered my face with my blanket. "Alright, I'm leaving" finally he's leaving. The moment i fell asleep. "Elena!! Wake up is time for school" my mother said. "I'm already wake!" I shouted back.
I got up got dressed and made my may to the bathroom to brush my teeth.
Once I was done i made my way to the kitchen. "Sorry but the bus is coming soon take your lunch and go" my mom said. "Bye Elena!" Owen said, I rolled my eyes took my lunch, by that time the bus was already here, I put my shoes on and ran to the bus. Once I got in I noticed Oliver at the back of the bus, on my way there some girls gave me dirty looks. I couldn't care less anyways. I sat next to Oliver. "Good morning Elena! How did you sleep?" Oliver said "good morning, bad" I said which is I didn't lie. "What's wro-" Oliver couldn't continue his sentence. "Heyyy dude!" Damien said. I looked at him with a smile. "Hey Elena" Damien said. He sat right behind me.
The moment Oliver wanted to put his hand on my shoulder Damien took his hand. "How's life dude?" Damien said, Oliver looked at him with annoyed face.
Once the bus stopped everyone got out but Oliver and Damien came out with me. "I thought you guys will go with your friends" I said with confused face. "Is better being with you" Damien said, that made me blush little. "If you say so" I said.
Once we entered the school Oliver excused himself to the bathroom and Damien his friend came and took him, I made my way to the locker to get my books some girls came over slamming the locker door in my face. "Who do you think you are?" I turned around and saw blued eyes girl with blonde hair. "Excuse me?" I said, one of her minions answered "your excused" i was confused what's going on "if you get close to my man Damien one more time" HER MAN? She's probably one of those wanna be girls. "What are you gonna do to me? Kill me? Go ahead because I'm not backing up from your man" why am i even answering her back, i don't care about her man or do i? "I will.." she looked lost then one of her minions spoke up "she will beat you up!" She said. "Yeah I will beat you up!" Every single word coming out of her mouth sounds stupid, I took few steps closer. "Oh really?" The girl started to stutter and took few steps back. "That's what I thought" I took my books out of my locker and made my way to my class. Oliver wasn't here but Damien was, i made my way to sit next to him but the blonde girl came and put her backpack on the seat before I could even sit on it "whoop's missed, now sho sho" she looked at me, I looked at her giving her no reaction and made my way to another empty seat. Once I sat on it I noticed Damien left her and sat next to me. She gave me her death stare but i couldn't care less.
Damien put his headphones on and set his head on the table. "Are you okey?" I asked, Damien looked at me and lifted his head. "Yeah I'm just tired, you wont mind if I-" he laid his head on my shoulder, at that moment I felt every heart beat and everything single one of them got faster and faster. I tried focusing on the class but i couldn't i heard every single breath of his. I noticed that blonde girl was looking at me with annoyed face, I was having the time of my life until. "Damien! Wake up, if you came to sleep then go home" the teacher yelled and Damien woke up. "I'm sorry sir" he apologized nicely.
45 minutes later the class ended and everyone barged outside but I walked little slower and Damien with me. Once we reached the class i sat in the back again and Damien next to me and Oliver was infront of me."I'm so tired" Damien whispered in my ear, that whisper traveled around my body. I leaned closer and whispered in his ear "then skip class and sleep somewhere" Damien turned little red, "only if your with me" Damien whispered back. He looked me straight into my eyes, I felt like he saw through me. "What are you guys doing?" Oliver said, I immediately sat in my potion but Damien laid his head on my shoulder again, Oliver looked annoyed, he pushed Damien head from my shoulder. "What are you doing dude" Oliver said "nothing I'm trying to sleep" Damien answered him "okey but don't bother Elena" Oliver said and I see the same look i saw in the cafe yesterday. "Guy's focus the teacher came" Oliver turned around and Damien sat in his normal position.
After all the classes Damien wanted to walk me home and I agreed. "Elena do you want to visit this river close from here?" I needed to explore this place anyways so why not. "Yeah sure lets go". Once we reached it I took my backpack off and sat beside the river so did Damien. "Finally i can sleep" Damien said and laid down on the grass. He closed his eyes while I looked at him. I'm in love...
"Are you just gonna stare at me or lay down with me?" How did he even saw me looking at him, I laid down with him looking at to the sky, it was beautiful since the sun was setting. I fell asleep for about 20 minutes, when I opened my eyes I saw Damien looking at me. "Having a good dream I see" Damien said, I stoop up quickly and accidentally tripped falling into the river. The water was cold and I was all wet "Elena! Are you okey!!" Damien shouted. "I'm o-" I couldn't finish my sentence and saw Damien jumping in with me, he gently took me and lead me out of the water, once we got out his hands were still on me. "Elena.." he was on top of me leaning closer to my face but he stopped when my phone rang, sh*t, but I didn't pick it up, I stayed with Damien looking deep into his eyes I broke my eye contact when I heard someone calling me, "Elena!" That voice sounded like my brother Leo looking for me, I quickly moved away from Damien took my backpack "I'm sorry! Damien, See you!" I don't know why i said see you tomorrow was Saturday, I ran to my brother. "Why are you wet" Leo asked "long story short I fell into the river, lets go home"
Once I reached home, I ignored Owen with my mom and went to my room it was little dark and I was wet I need to go dry and rest...

Damiens pov:
We sat besides the river, I was half asleep and tired, I laid down on the grass and told Elena to lay down as well, 15 minutes later I noticed Elena was in deep sleep, I looked at her, shes beautiful, 5 minutes passed and she woke up, "having a good sleep I see" I said she looked shocked and got up quickly then tripped falling into the river, I ran fast and jumped into the river I was worried and scared, i took her gently and got her out of the water, Once we were out I was on top of her i couldn't resist my feelings anymore I wanted to kiss her badly, I needed to, I leaned closer to kiss her but stopped when I heard her phone ring, I didn't want to get off her, she looked beautiful with her wet messy hair and her clothes are soaked into her skin, we made an eye contact until someone called her, she got up took her stuff "sorry! Damien, see you!" I never thought I will start liking my name but the way she says it makes me like it even more, I got up took my stuff and made my way home on my way i kept my mind on her.......

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