Chapter 5

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It was 10:55 I didn't sleep all night, my mind was on Damien, everywhere I look I saw Damien I was crazy over him. I heard a knocking sound on my door I thought it was my brother came to scare me or annoy me, I opened the door and saw Owen he have to ruin every single morning of mine? "Good morning Elena" he said. "Yeah good morning, you need something?" I answered. "Elena come eat breakfast I made pancakes" he made pancakes? He can cook?!. "Alright I'm on my way. He left my room and I got up took my phone and headed to the kitchen, once I reached my brothers were already eating the pancakes like hungry pigs, I sat down quietly and started eating, to be honest it was tasty.
Once I was done I received a party invitation from Oliver.

Oliver: there will be a party tonight be ready
Me: oh really where?
Oliver: at Della's house
Me: who's that?
Oliver: oh you don't know her? She's a popular girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, she sent me this invitation and told me to invite anyone I want
Me: oh that girl, alright I'm coming
Oliver: great! See you there

So that girls name is Della, I should go to the mall then
I took the car keys got dressed up and headed downstairs. "Where are you going?" My mom asked. "To the mall why?" I said. "If you going then let your brothers go with you" my mom told me. "Why do they need to come" I answered her. "Because they need to buy something, give them the car keys and go" I sighed and threw the keys at him.

. . . .

Once we were done, I found everything i needed, black heals with a short black dress with a little cut on the chest. "Sis why do you need all that" my brother Kai asked while driving us home. "Oh I'm invited to a party tonight" my brother Kai had a shock on his face. "Okey you can go since your grown up" I sighed with a relief.
When we reach home it was 3pm, I got out of the car quickly and walked inside the house, Owen was laying down on the couch eating popcorn with my mom, looked like they are watching a movie, I headed to my room and check my phone, the party is at 7pm to 10pm not that late I guess, I got my things ready, showered with my hair, I was totally ready for this party. I hoped that Damien will be there.
Once it was 6:37 I received a massage from Oliver, "here's the location, come is starting" I got really excited got my heals on said my goodbyes to my mom and my brothers then I got into the car started it and headed over to Della's house.
By the time i got there it was 7pm I got here on time thankfully, the house was full of people outside and inside, there were people kissing outside. My eyes searched around to find Damien, once I saw him Della was on him trying to kiss him but Damien avoided everything she did. I felt embarrassed for her, I wanted to go to him but noticed Oliver waving to me, I turned around and made my way to Oliver. "Wow Elena impressive" his eyes looked up and down at me, everyone also looked at me like first time seeing a girl in a dress.
Suddenly a music for a slow dance came up, everyone had a partner to dance with while I looked around and noticed Damien staring at me up and down, his eyes were all over me.
Oliver took my hand gently and pulled me to his. "Mind to dance?" Oliver said with a smile on his face. "Sure". We started slow dancing on a calm music on every turn I saw Damien angry face and Della is around him trying to get him to dance with him, I was enjoying my time. When the music was done Oliver took my hand and lead me to the kitchen bar I sat there and he sat next to me facing me with a drink he handed me one. "Is there alcohol?" I asked. "Yeah, why?" Oliver answered. "I'm sorry i don't drink, I sat the cup on the counter. "Is okey I will drink" he drank it all in one sip, wow. Then Damien came over with Della like a glue to him, he looked me deep in my eyes then turned to look at Oliver. "Ew why are you here, who invited you?" Della told me, as soon as I opened my mouth to speak "Della, leave her alone I invited her" Oliver interrupted. "Why would you invite this thing? Olii" that nickname made me wanna throw up. "Della you told him to invite anyone he wants so he did, do you have any problems?" I told her giving her annoyed look "ugh , whatever" she said rolling her eyes. "Let's go baby" Della said to Damien, grabbing him to the crowd. "I'm sorry about that Elena" Oliver apologized. "Is fine I already had a problem with her" I told him, I excused myself to the bathroom, once I reached it, Damien was there I tried avoiding eye contact with him and went to wash my hands I felt his eyes were on me, that made me uncomfortable. "Elena, are you avoiding me" Damien said, I turned around to face him. "No what do you mean, why would I" I told him. "Elena-" he couldn't finish his sentence. "Elena, what's taking you so long" Oliver walked in asking me then noticed Damien was with me too. "What are you doing here Damien?" Oliver looked at him with a angry look. "Nothing I'm about to leave" Damien said looking at me. "Then go ahead" Damien turned around and left. "Elena lets go" Oliver told me taking my wrist outside the bathroom to the crowd, we were surrounded by a lot of people dancing and jumping. He took me gently by my waist while looking at me deep in my eyes, he smelled like alcohol he was totally drunk, he pulled me closer to him leaning to kiss me, I tried breaking free but I couldn't he held be tighter. I closed my eyes and accepted my fate but he let go of me, I opened my eyes to see Damiens back and Oliver on the ground with bleeding nose. "Dude! What the f*ck" Oliver screamed at Damien. "Don't you dare to touch her like that again" Damien said with a warning eyes, he turned around to look at me, with a worried face. "Elena are you okey" he searched around my body just like how yesterday he did, Oliver got up and punched him back. It broke into a fight until some guys came and pulled Oliver and Damien off each other, when everyone calmed down I made my way to Damien to check if he's alright, his nose was bleeding so was his mouth. I came with tissues to clean the blood on his face. I sat next to him and started cleaning his face, he kept on looking at me, he looked lovely...

Damiens pov:
After the fight I was bleeding hard from my nose my mouth had a little blood on it, I looked around and saw Elena coming over with some tissues to help me, she sat next to me wiping the blood off my face. I kept my eyes on her, she looked beautiful tonight with this black dress, she smelled really good even after dancing, I'm in love with you Elena, the thoughts came back to my head.
I wanted to kiss her, I'm obsessed with you Elena, when she was done she looked deep in my eyes just like how I did, I leaned in closer but stopped when I heard "omg baby are you okey! I knew something will happen with my baby while I'm gone" Della came running to me and Elena left with a disappointed look on her face...

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