Chapter 1: The Holy, the Sinner, the Evil

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Chapter 1

Sitting on a bench in a park, Yamato looks up to the abandoned church atop a hill, his cloudy eyes looking down on the place, burning holes into the walls of disgrace. “In the beginning, the father created light, and with that light he created darkness. Good, Evil, Light, Dark; these are what he, The Lord, has created.” He paraphrased before walking away, going for a walk on main street.

As he walks, eating a small korokke, he stops beside some white robed women begging for money for the Lord, behind them a person sized cross wrapped in white cloth. Yamato walks up to them as a trio of Devils does and drops some change into their bowl. “The Lord bless you…” He says, giving the trio a striking headache. “I meant that for the exorcists, I am sorry…”

The shortest of the trio, a small girl with white hair, clenches her first. “A fallen.” She quietly murmurs to the group around the bowl. Yamato smiles with a twitching eye.

Eating a small plate of gyoza, Yamato sits beside the two exorcists as they feed their gluttony, devouring nearly everything that touches the table. 11 bowls, 11 plates, and a large dessert glass of food; an inhuman amount of food is devoured at the sight of inhumans that can’t even eat half of such a quantity. The devils all have drinks of their own, one sweet, one calm, and one bitter.

“I do not claim these children as mine…” Yamato quips as they stuff their mouths, he blocks his left ear as they slurp the food, “Let them be another’s who look upon such- hunger…”

After finally finishing their loud and enormous meal, guilt strikes them as the food was given by Devils. The more reserved and cheery of the exorcists, Shidou, speaks holier than thou, “We practically sold ourselves to the Devil, how will we ever be forgiven?”

“That’s my thanks for buying you food!?” Hyoudou, the brown haired boy Devil yells at them.

Toujou, the small Devil from earlier, told him, “Get it together, bro.”

“Sorry, I couldn’t help it.” In a terrified way, he forces a smile, “But I’m smiling now, see?”

“Lord, please, have mercy on these kind souls, even if they are devils.” Shidou blesses the trio, striking them with severe headaches.

Yamato chuckles and thanks the chef through prayer. “I’ll share in the payment, these are my associates after all…” He tells Hyoudou. Looking at the three, he ponders, “Now, I am curious… What has brought such conflict to this table?”

“Confliction!?” Saji bursts. “I don’t even want to be here!” As he tries to get up, Hyoudou and Toujou grab him by his shirt until he gives up and sits again.

Hyoudou looks Xenovia dead in the eyes, “We’re here because we want to help you destroy Excalibur.”


“Our friend, the one you fought, we want to help him but he’s caught up. So, we want to help you destroy the swords.”

“I understand your situation. I don’t mind letting you destroy one sword.”

Shidou gasps, “Wait a minute, Xenovia!”

“You know who the otherside has. Kokabiel is dangerous.” Xenovia’s fist clenches at the thought of the fallen angel. “Honestly, it would be impossible for us to recover all three swords on our own.”

“Yeah- I get that, but they’re like- Devils.” Shidou, annoyingly, says.

Xenovia points out, “We have a thirty-percent chance of returning home.”

“We knew what kind of risk we were taking before we got here.” “This isn’t anything new, Xenovia!”

“True… We were sent by the higher-ups, fully prepared to sacrifice our entire lives for a higher cause.”

With dull eyes, Shidou said, “That’s what I just said. Were you even listening at all?”

“St. Uriel, please rid me of this headache these two broads have given me…” Yamato prays and blesses himself. He looks over Shidou to, “Xenovia, it is pointless to argue with the blind faithful- she is still too childish to understand…”


“As the highest rank here- I grant you Devils full permission to aid the retrieval or destruction of all but one sword… Excalibur Nightmare shall not be destroyed… We’ll meet again, pray on good terms…” Yamato grabs the check off the table and takes his leave.

Yamato walks to the abandoned church of the town, the church was clearly one that the town used greatly in the past. The current people clearly have no care for the place. Black feathers are spread across the floor, such hideous things reek of rotten fruits. The pews are set together into being makeshift beds, having piles of clothes as cushioning. With light he forms a white broom to sweep out the trash.

“Devils and Exorcists, huh… Kokabiel is here too…” Yamato speaks to himself, he then asks, “Well, Dagon, are you ready?”

In a flash of golden light, a silver armlet forms around his right upper arm. Having ancient writing around the bottom, the etches let off a soft faint gold glow. A raised embossing of a silver dragon from the top, in its mouth a spear of golden light. The light flashes as a deep and gentle voice speaks, “The Star of God? I remember him, to think he has fallen, it proves him a failure of a son.” He lets out a long hum that has the tone of grinding whetstones.

Yamato warns bitterly, “Watch it…”

“There is a clear difference between him and you.” Dagon mumbled. “I’d not have allowed you my usage if you were like him.”

“Then we’ll show him the power of the angelic dragon.” Yamato unfurls his wings, the dirty feathers falling off at the gentleness of winds that cannot be felt. “We’ll find our way back, without your host dying that is.”

Dagon chuckles before deactivating, with him Yamato folds in his wings and sweeps what had fallen.

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