Season 1, Episode 12: Getting Out

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I woke up the next morning with another rush of energy, however this time instead of it being directed at my body, it was directed at my legs.

Once I noticed this, I tried to shake it off by standing up again. But, standing up required a whole less energy as I could suddenly... walk again! I was ecstatic! Oh, how I missed being able to walk! I practiced walking around, saw Robert near the forest outside of the gap, and walked towards him.

"Hey, Robert," I said in a whisper. Mainly because a couple of our other friends were sleeping next to him and around us.

"Hey, George." Robert also said in a whisper. I was dumbfounded that he could hear me so I asked,

"Oh! Are you able to hear now?"

"Mhm! It's wonderful to hear again. Didn't think I'd know what a deaf person feels like for at least one day." Robert whispered back. I was confused about how he could hear me and how I could walk but I didn't care as of right now, I was just happy for me walking and him hearing!

"Heh, yeah. Anyways, want to get some berries for the journey ahead of us?" I whispered, Robert nodded and as I helped him up from the ground, I heard footsteps behind me. As I turned around, I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Mind if I join?" Steve whispered as he woke up from his deep one-day slumber. He wasn't exactly able to concentrate on us but that might be because he just woke up.

"Oh hey, Steve! How was your actual day-long nap?" Robert whispered, cunningly. Of course, though, Steve ignored his remark.

"It was pretty good! I had a dream of a bunch of flying dogs and cats, and I was able to fly with them! It felt amazing bro, you should've been there man." He whispered at us. Me and Robert giggled as we got out of the factory and looked for berries with Steve.

Looking for berries wasn't as time-consuming and treacherous as I had previously thought it would be. From Angel's and Aquafene's scratches because of the thorns on their legs and arms I thought that this would be way more tedious. But in reality, they probably weren't careful as we got the berries quickly in silence and started to head back. Robert then asked,

"Steve, why aren't you giving us some useless facts about these berries?"

"I don't know anything about these berries Robert. I'm still a bit tired after sleeping for a whole day too." As if to show this, he yawned and tears formed on his eyes.

"Well, they shouldn't be poisonous. We ate some yesterday anyway." I stated. Steve then suddenly stopped and looked at us with confusion.

"Wait. I slept for an entire day?"

"Yeah! Me and George have been talking about it for minutes now." Robert stated, taking one of the berries from his hands and eating it.

"Ah wow. I guess the realization sort of hit me right now huh?" He stated with a voice crack, grabbing a couple of berries he dropped from his realization, we went back to the factory.

"The weirdest thing was though. In that dream that I had, I felt a sort of... presence? I don't know, but it felt like something else was flying with me and those animals." Steve suddenly said.

"Probably just your imagination. Don't sweat it!" Robert said as he picked off some berries into his mouth. I on the other hand remembered the strong presence of danger I had felt when I was in that bush in my dream. Though, I decided to play it off for Steve. He was probably already freaked out that he slept for a full 24 hours.

"Yeah, I agree with Robert. Whatever that presence was isn't real. It was probably just in your head." I said.

"Hm yeah, I hope so," Steve responded and started to help Robert pick even more berries from a bush. I guess they just wanted a surplus.

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