"Come on, everyone is outside."

Amanda guided us outside where we were met by a further warm welcome from Leah's nan, brother Jacob, her two cousins Holly and Ben, and Ben's girlfriend.

As I took a seat on the sofa next to Jacob, Leah came and sat herself in the middle of us, wrapping her arm around my shoulder as she began to make fun of Holly.

"You alright there Hol?" Leah laughed towards her cousin who was sitting with sunglasses on to hide her tired, hungover eyes.

As I silently watched on, Leah began to explain that she too also picked up Holly last night, something which I had completely forgotten about. I was too inside my own head last night to even notice Holly was in the car at the same time.

"Yeah, good one Leah." Holly huffed as she headed inside.

The conversation flowed naturally between the group. Jacob and Ben was discussing the recent results from their football matches, whilst Amanda, Leah, Ben's girlfriend and Leah's nan sat and had a gossip. Although I was quieter than usual, thankfully this went unnoticed.

Or so I had thought. That was until Amanda headed back to the kitchen for more drinks.

"Do you want a drink, Mel?"

"No, I'm okay thank you, I still have my water" I gestured to Amanda as I held the bottle of water in my hand.

"We have plenty of options. Do you not want a gin or a beer?" Amanda insisted.

"Uh- no I'm er- I'm okay thank you."

Before Amanda had a chance to reply, Leah quickly came to my aid directing her mum's attention away from me.

"I'll give you a hand mum" Leah insisted before lifting herself from the sofa.

I was introduced to Ben and Jacob's conversation as they entered the classic family argument over who was the better team, Arsenal, or Tottenham. An argument I have heard several times whilst being with Leah's family, and it almost always ending in the same manner. Neither side gave in.

I quickly learnt that for my own best interest, to side with Arsenal. Leah was a life-long Arsenal fan, and of course a player and so it would be considered criminal in Leah's eyes to agree otherwise. Even if it was to Jacob's disapproval.

"That's not fair! She's only agreeing because of Leah!" Jacob exclaimed as he insisted this was not a fair judgement call, causing me to laugh at his competitive side.

The ongoing derby feud managed to keep me occupied until I noticed Leah still had not returned from the kitchen. Deciding now would be the perfect time for a bathroom break, leaving Ben and Jacob to their cousinly squabble.

As I headed inside Leah and Amanda were in the kitchen, their conversation turning quiet as they noticed my presence.

Not wanting to think too much into it, I offered a smile to the pair before continuing upstairs to the bathroom.

Finally, after I made my way back downstairs, I noticed how Amanda was still in the kitchen and Leah was nowhere to be seen. As I entered the kitchen Amanda turned to face me with a sympathetic smile on her face.

"Come here sweetie."

As I headed towards Amanda, her arms wrapped around my neck pulling me into her.

"Leah explained to me what happened."

These words brought a mixture of emotions out of me, the main one being relief. With this came the tears as I began to sob on Amanda's shoulder.

"It's okay, you're safe. Nothing like that will happen again" Amanda whispered into my ear, still holding me tighter than ever before.

After a while and I had finally managed to compose myself and stabilize my breathing I thanked Amanda for being a shoulder to cry on. Literally.

"You don't need to thank me, we're always here for you. All of us. For anything, and don't you forget that" Amanda reassured me placing a kiss to my cheek.

To say I was overwhelmed was an overstatement. The last 24 hours of my life had caused a whirlwind of emotions which of course was taking its toll on me. I was exhausted. But I didn't want to be the reason Leah and I left the family gathering early.

So instead, I made my way back outside into Leah's arms as I rested her head on her shoulder. Leah was like my safety blanket, always making me feel safe when I was in her arms.

Placing soft kisses to the top of my head I felt her lift slightly as her lips brushed by my ear.

"I love you." It was a faint whisper, only so I could hear it, but at that moment it meant everything.

"I love you too" I smiled before pecking her lips.

We spent a few more hours with Leah's family before finally agreeing to call it a night. Despite my concerns earlier about whether it was the right option or not to attend today, I was confident that this was exactly what I needed. Spending a day with people who I love, and mostly who love me and have my best interest at heart.

Although myself and Leah have not been in the best place and have faced several set backs within our relationship, one thing today has confirmed is exactly how much I love this girl and more importantly, how I want to spend the rest of my life in her arms....... 

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