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'Nicholas, we know you're here. Come out, you coward.'

Someone is here. Someone who knows him.

'You're leaving a trail. Like a rat. We just followed the blood.' Another voice adds, almost chuckling

There is more than one person.

'Let's see where you are.'

What sounds like a first guy says, and the room lights up, erasing the darkness, replacing it with old, whiteish lighting. The lights must be old, because half of them don't work, and those that do, flicker. But it's not pure darkness anymore. I felt so much relief even though nothing much changed.

No one said a thing for a minute. It was just silent. Only my breathing under his gunpowder smelling hand.

'Here's what's gonna happen, Nick.' One of the voices spoke. 'You can either come out from behind that boiler, or we will come to you and shoot you up from both sides. Your choice, and you've got 30 seconds.'

A sound of low beeping rang through the room, sounding like a stopwatch.

'15 seconds.' The voice warns him, and cocking of another gun is heard

'10.' He started counting down. '9.' A step closer.  '8.' Another step.

I squealed a little as the man pulled me along, stepping out from where he was holding me, but at least he let me breathe, removing his hand. But the gun.. That didn't move. That was still firm on my temple as he yanked my hair back, making me hiss. I hate having my hair pulled.

In front of us were two guys, looking right at him. One of them was leaned onto the dirty wall, playing with a kunai knife in his hand, spinning it like a toy. You could barely see his face. Well, his eyes. His face was covered with a black mask, matching everything else he was wearing. Cargo pants, cargo boots, and a black bomber jacket. The only colour on the man was his hair. His silver hair.

The other one was a tall, buffed guy. Same as the first one, most of him covered. All in black. Even his hair was black. As much as I could see it peeking under the hat he was wearing.

'Hello, hello.' The other guy greets him, sounding kind of chirpy. I think he might be smiling, based on the way his eyes scrunched a little

'I'll shoot her.' He threatens, pulling my hair back more, making me yelp

'Okay?' The tall guy responds, saying it like a question, then chuckling a bit

I've noticed the guy leaning on the wall stopped playing with the knife and was kind of leaning his head to the side, squinting a bit. He raised his hand, pointing the handle of the knife towards me. Or the guy. Or both. I'm not sure. But... it's the handle.

'You throw that, and you hit her, too.' The man behind me tells him, smirking at him

'J.' The tall guy turns to the silver-haired one

'Yep. Already on it.' The guy responds and puts his arm down

'I'll see you around, boys. Nice chatting with you.' The man that's holding me pulls my hair again, but this time a lot harder, and it pissed me off

'STOP PULLING MY HAIR YOU ASSHOLE!' I screamed at him, and he looked at me in shock. I don't think I even realized what I just did. I just screamed at the guy who's holding me hostage. He can literally just shoot me. Right here, right now.

It was dead silence for a moment before the black-haired guy started laughing. 'Nick, my dear friend, I think you fucked up in your choice of a hostage. She might kill you for us.'

'And here I thought you came to take me back.' The guy behind me says in a sarcastic tone

'That is the plan. Your choice is if you wanna go there breathing or in a bag.' The silver guy spoke, answering him in that soothing tone

'I don't see why they sent you. You should be in the kitchen if you love your knives so much.' He mocks the guy

The next thing I heard was a loud groan, and the guy behind me grabbed onto his leg that now had a knife stuck in his thigh. That knife came out of nowhere. I didn't even blink, and it hit him. But he let me go, giving me a chance to run. But where the hell do I go?

'Stay here you bitch!' The guy raised his gun at me, and then another scream came from him and he dropped the gun as another knife went through the palm of his hand, poking a hole through it. The blood dripped from his hand onto the ground as he held it with his other hand, grimacing and huffing in pain.

'You can choose where the next one goes.' The silver guy was playing with another knife, flipping it in his hand, not even looking at it

Who the hell are these guys?!

'I'm bored.' His partner sighs and cocks his gun, pointing it at the guy on the ground next to me. 'Coming or not?' He asks him

'Fuck you.' The guy spits at him

'Cool. Was fun. Till we meet again.' The black-haired guy does a mocking curtesy, and the next thing I saw was the guy next to me laying on the ground, with blood dripping down his face from the hole in his forehead

The sound of the shot still echoed through the boiler room, almost like vibrations. Or maybe it was just in my head.

He just killed him like it was nothing.

'You.' He then spoke to me, sending shivers down my spine as I watched him change the clip in his gun, putting more bullets in. 'What's your name?'

'Rain.' I answered. What's there to hide? He's about to kill me anyway. I closed my eyes, squeezing them shut. 'Just do it fast.'

But nothing. I heard a few steps coming towards me, and stopping right in front of me.

'Rain.' The voice said my name, making me open my eyes. It was the silver-haired guy. He was just looking at me, not moving at all. His eyes were beautiful, but they seemed dead. Like there was nothing behind them. Just a shell.

'You're gonna forget about this day. Nothing ever happened. You were never here. You have never seen us. Is that clear?' He asks, still playing with that knife

'What- what about him?' I ask, feeling my voice barely forming. This guy is scarier than the other two to me. Something about him being so calm is petrifying.

'You've never seen him either. You're gonna go home and burn the clothes. You've never seen this room in your life.'

I just nodded, looking back at him. I don't feel like dying just yet.

'We will be keeping an eye on you. One word...' he got into my face, glaring into my soul. And then I felt the edge of his knife against my throat, pressing ever so slightly into it, but not cutting me

'Got it. Got it.' I whisper, feeling the cold sweat wash over me. He scared me more than anyone today

'Smart girl.' He pulled the knife away, spinning it once around his finger before putting it in a pocket on his thigh

I watched him pull the knives out of the man on the ground and wrapping them into a cloth, then putting them into his pocket. He then took the gun from the ground, putting it into the hand of a guy who was dead.

'Pleasure to meet you, Rain. See you.' The other guy sounded all cheerful, waving at me as the silver guy walked to him, and they walked out, leaving me alone with the body

Fuck. My. Life. What just happened?!

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