Guys... The DEAD Are Coming

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(7:26 A.M.)
Y/n's POV:

"This way, come on." We interlocked our hands as I guided her out of the Shinto shrine.

Suddenly Saeko stopped in her tracks. Her eyes glowing all while she was blushing. "So are we official? Dating I mean."

My shoulders slumped. "Saeko in my opinion we've been dating since last night. Now come on, we need to get back to Rei and the others." I squeezed onto her hand before pulling her along again.

(7:53 A.M.)
Takashi's POV:

Alice, Zero, Hirano, Ms. Shizuoka, Rei and I were all on the back balcony of Rei's room. We were all led there by Hirano who insisted that we needed to be at the back of the house.

"Hirano why are we back here? Their probably gonna be in the front." I frowned.

He repeatedly disagreed. "No! Remember the most efficient root was in the front BUT it's also more populated. Y/n and Saeko will need to find the safest root and since there are many more back alleyways this way there will be fewer undead." Hirano explained.

Alice, clapped happily. "Your so smart Kohta!" The two others agreed emphatically.

While he was basking in all of the girls's glory for him I was leaning against the railing. 'He doesn't know that... he's just speaking out of his ass.' I thought.

Looking out at the horizon I saw two figures limping along towards the gate. My eyes squinted and finally I caught a glimpse of the pair; Y/n and Saeko.

Alice started to jump uncontrollably, chanting, "They made it! They made it!" Rei and I were the first to exit the balcony and rush to the back door. Avoiding the glares and sneers of the other guests in the mansion.

"Hey kid no running!" He grabbed me by the collar, knocking me on my ass while another guest, an middle aged man, grabbed onto Rei's wrist.

"Yeah we can't open the doors." He squeezed her wrist tighter.

I thrashed my arms around. "Our friends are out there, they wouldn't be here if they'd been bitten." He spun me around so we were face to face.

"Sir please just let go. I would really—ah!" Rei gasped as his grip tightened.

"What you gonna do?" The man who held onto Rei leaned in a little too close, close enough for her to smell his morning breath and for her chest to push against his own.

"I would move if I were you." A voice echoed from outside, until Y/n came in with his revolver. "She knows mixed martial arts, and I, well I have a gun."

"Oh yeah? What are you— ugh!" The man fell onto the ground collapsing to the floor after Rei kneed him in his groin.

Y/n went to her side as they glared him down. "Wow not even two minutes into my stay and I'm already having a great time. Listen dude keep your hands to yourself. Okay? Okay! Now other molester I've had a couple of days can you—shoo?" He waved his gun down the hallway.

The two clowns ran off to the other side of the estate. Not looking back once. Alice and Ms. Shizouka were the first one to rush up to Y/n and Saeko. Gradually followed by the rest of us who all were happy to see our teammates safe and sound.

"How are you feeling? Did you rest well?" Ms. Shizuoka felt Y/n's pulse and his arms for any scratches.

He got flustered along with Saeko who nodded while looking at each other. "Oh yeah I slept great! What about you Saeko?!"

She nodded. "Like a baby—rock I mean rock."

Her composer was off and it was obvious to at least myself that something happened. It was clear to Rei too who smiled but being her friend and ex boyfriend I understood that she wasn't exactly okay.

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