Chapter 3- It Was a Mistake

Start from the beginning

"I didn't mean to ok." She didn't say anything. She turned around and went back to her room. Ariel and Alaina both acted as if they were 18.

I signed and shook my head.

I didn't mean to yell at kennedy like that. I mean I did but I just didnt thing that she would ever do it to me. I'm just hurt. She gave me chance after chance so I should do the same.

I layed back down in bed and ended up drifting off to sleep.

The hospital

"Two GSW's !!! We need to get this woman into surgery now!!! She has lost alot of blood."

"Right away doctor."

"Move it! We already lost her once and it was hard to bring her back. We can't lose her again."

"Rebecca get her family on the phone immediately. I know them her name is Kennedy King. I want them here within the next 10 minutes."

"Yes sir."


I was woken up by the sound of my cell phone ringing. I jumped up hoping it was Kennedy. I frowned once I saw it was the hospital.

Me: hello?

Nurse: Hi this is nurse Rebecca English at River Region Hospital. Are you the husband of Kennedy Asha King?

I instantly stood up.

Me: Yes is she ok?

Nurse: Unfortunately no. There was a break in and she got shot twice. We need you at the hospital immediately.

Me: I'm on my way.

I hung up.

"Damn." I said as I put on my shirt and shoes.

I ran into the kids room and woke them.

"Alaina, Ariel wake up baby we have to go."

"Why daddy I'm sleepy." Ariel said.

"Just put your shoes on we have to go." I ran to jordynn and princetons room next and got them up.

"Man lets go mommy is at the hospital we have to go now." I said standing by the door.

Alaina gasp and stopped running.

"Daddy what did you do?" She said.

I could tell she was about to cry.

"Daddy did you do something to mommy?" Ariel asked.

Jordynn cried causing Ariel and Alaina to cry.

"What happen to my mom?" Princeton asked.

I ran my hand down my face. "Damn."

"Look. I didn't do anything we have to go so we can make sure mommy is ok."

It took me forever to get them in the truck and to put their seat belts on.

By the time we got to the hospital they had stopped crying.

"Come on yall." we all ran to the door. I saw Brianna and Marcus along with diamond and Jason running as well.

"What the fuck happen? Jason said.

"I'll tell you when we make it there." I picked up Ariel and Alaina and Brianna got prince while Jason got jordynn.

We made it to the receptionist desk.

"What room is Kennedy king in?" She typed in her computer.

"Um Kennedy king is in surgery right now. Are you Elijah king?"


"Doctor regan has asked for you. Go to the 7 floor and ask for him.

We all ran to the elevator and got on. we made it to the floor and I immediately saw him.

"Where is she?" He turned and came to me.

"Is she ok? Where is she? I asked again.

He took his time before speaking.

"We don't know exactly what happen at the scene, you'd have to talk to the police but she was shot twice, once in the shoulder and in the neck. We loss her a couple times but we were able to bring her back. She lost a lot of blood but we were able to give her a blood transfusion and get both bullets out. With so much blood loss, it caused her to slip into a coma so we're just waiting for her to wake up. She's going to need some healing but over all, she'll be fine, if she wakes up."


"The patients don't always wake up. She has to want to. Sometimes it can be to much for them and they don't. It's all on her."

I threw my head back upset. "Room 212 in ICU." He said walking off.

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