Chapter 31

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When I pull into my parking space at work, I smile up at the building. I started here three weeks ago, and yet so much has happened in such a short time. I came here, broken and afraid, but now I'm stronger than ever before.

I've managed to gain my confidence back with the help of my new friends, my sort of boyfriend, and the voice in my head. Now, the thought of fighting for my freedom doesn't seem like such a lost cause, and I actually feel confident in being able to win against anyone who crosses me.

I walk into Arkham, flashing my ID as I go, but the guards don't even look at it anymore. They just let me on by, and I grin as I pass them. Either they all know I work her, or they all know I'm with Joker. Either way, I don't have to hassle with them to get through the door without showing my ID.

I wave to the secretary, who is shocked at my new look. I smile teasingly at her, and her face goes green with envy because there's someone prettier than her in the building. I can't help it if I'm fucking gorgeous and men fall at my feet.

I make it to my office, waving at my coworkers as I pass them, and lock the door behind me. I drop my things off and leaving my office, locking the door behind me again. Time to go see my best friends who are 'fearing for my health'. I walk to the session room, smiling at Cash who is standing outside of it.

"I already have Ivy and Cat inside for you." He tells me, and I grin. "Also, I like the new look. You seem to be much happier and have a lighter air about you."

"Aww, really? Thanks for noticing, Cash. And thank you for getting my girls for me." I tell him before walking into the session room. The minute the door closes, I'm tackled into the wall behind me as two sets of arms wrap around me.

"Where the hell have you been?" Cat shouts and I laugh at how concerned she is for me even though it took her the longest to warm up to me.

"I've been worried sick about you!" I exclaims before hugging me again, and I chuckle as I hug her tightly back. Cat joins into our group hug, and I laugh as I shake my head.

"Who knew I could cause such a problem by taking three days off, which includes today by the way." I tell them playfully. Both girls roll their eyes before they scan me up and down, shock forming on their faces as they take in my health looking form. "A little green-haired birdy told me to take a few days to myself and heal, so that's what I did."

"Speaking of that 'birdy', I'm going to slit that fucking Warden's throat!" Cat says with a hiss as she takes her seat at the table. "You look gorgeous, by the way. Much better than you did on day one. I'm glad you're finally starting to heal and build yourself back up."

"I agree. I love how you have an air of confidence around you. And clearly, you're back to your signature red." Ivy comments, and I grin proudly at them both before I take my seat. Ivy quickly joins us, laying her head on Cat's shoulder.

"So, did you guys talk to Joker like I said?" I ask them, and Ivy nods as Cat scowls.

"How dare you force me to talk to Joker, Harley." Cat snaps, but we all know that there's no fire behind it. I wink at her, and she rolls her eyes as Ivy chuckles.

"Yes, Joker told us everything. I'm so proud of you for fighting back!" Ivy says to me, and I stand up to give them a bow.

"Thank you, thank you." I tell them as they clap for me, making me beam at them. "That's good. I had hoped he'd explained everything to you since I couldn't. I'm sorry to worry you guys both."

"It's alright. We just seen you running with Jones's guards chasing you, then Joker comes back from his therapy and tells us you'll be gone a few days." Cat explains and I roll my eyes.

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