Chapter 30

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I stumble over to the table and take in the machine next to his head. My eyes widen at the sight of the electro-shock machine, and I glare at it. That's fucking illegal! I push the machine away from him, wanting nothing more than to shove it to the ground and smash it, but I don't have anything to smash it with.

"Jesus, what the hell did they do to you, J?" I ask him as I move to his side and grab his hand. I watch as he looks me up and down, taking in my new bruises and cuts with anger in his eyes. Strangely, his anger doesn't bother me anymore as I feel safe in his presence. Who would've thought that could happen?

I did, and I'm glad. He's the one man who hasn't tried to beat the hell out of you.

"Nothing I can't handle, doll face. What did they do to you, my little monster?" I start to cry as I calm down and let everything out. I tell him about how Jones tried to rape me, and how I beat him up before he could. But then he sent his guards after me, and I've run all over Arkham in an attempt to get away.

He squeezes my hand and I look at him, blue eyes clashing with green. His eyes look so murderous that I nearly flinch at the sight, but I force myself to remember that Joker would never hurt me like everyone else has. That Joker isn't mad at me, but at Jones for hurting me, and if looks could kill...

Is it wrong that I find him really hot when he's murderously angry?

'No, because I do, too.' I admit to her, and I have to focus on what's important instead of wanting to kiss him again.

"I'm going to kill him. I swore to him that if he touches a single hair on your pretty little head, I will kill him. I plan to make it slow and painful." He tells me, and I snicker as I rest my head on his bare chest. I give Joker a bright smile, and wink at him. I'd unstrap him just so he could do that very thing, but I know that that will definitely end my career, and I'm not ready to let that go yet.

I've let go of trying to live up to everyone's expectations and wishes, but I'm not ready to let go of my job and life all the way just yet. I let go of society's rules of having to be 'normal' because what even is normal? Everyone is different, so what exactly is normal? If being happy means I need to lose my mind, then I think I'm okay with that.

I hear yelling come from the hallway, and my head snaps to look at the door. There's no way I can fight off a group just yet. Not with how low my stamina is right now. I want nothing more than to fight them all off so I can have a moment with my Joker, but of course they won't leave us alone.

Just leave us the hell alone you sick and twisted fuckers! Also, hell yes to keeping Joker as ours.

"Hide. Now." Joker orders me, and i squeeze his hand in response. I go to step away, but quickly lean over him. I kiss him hard, and Joker groans as he kisses me back. I pull back and smile at him before biting my lip. "Fucking tease."

I giggle before running across the room and climbing into the cabinet under the sink, closing the door behind me. The minute the small door closes, I hear the main door bang open with such force I nearly yelp, and I cover my mouth quickly to muffle any future sounds.

"Find that bitch! I want her to suffer for thinking she can hurt me and get away with it!" I hear Jones shout to whoever came in with him. Most likely his guards, and I can hear everyone walking around as they search the large room. They'll eventually find me, and I don't know what I'll do when they do.

"She's not here Jonnie Boy." I hear Joker laugh, and I mentally smile at the sound of his voice. "She came in here to hide from your guards the first time, but I sent her out the moment they disappeared. She's probably all the way back on the other side of Arkham by now."

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