Chapter 7

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After I had checked into the motel for the next several days, I brought everything to my shitty motel room. It's not the best, but I can live with whatever I can get. I recounted the money and found that I've managed to squirrel away close to ten grand. After I hid some in my car, some in my suitcase, and some in my purse, I went to sleep after triple checking that the door to my room was locked.


My alarm that I set on the motel clock goes off suddenly, waking me up quickly, and I spring from the bed thinking that Kyle had found me.

It's the clock, Harleen! Don't be dense! 

'Quiet, you!' I mentally shout back at the voice before realizing what I just did before shaking my head to clear it. Maybe if I stop talking back to the voice and it will go away. 

You know I won't.

Groaning in frustration, I ignore the voice and rush to get ready. I want to stop by the store and get a new phone to replace my old one before I go to work. I dig through my clothes and pull out a pretty red dress that comes to my knees, but I stop. The warnings from yesterday ring in my head, so I switch the dress out for a blue blouse and black high waist dress pants.

I get dressed and throw on my black heels again before I pull my hair up into a high ponytail. After that's done, I do my makeup, which I had stuffed into my purse at the last minute. I pull out a large white Band-Aid from my purse and put it on the slice in my forehead, then do my best to cover it up with the makeup.

Luckily, the small bruises had faded while I slept last night, so I only have to worry about the cuts. The small one can be covered rather easily, however, the large Band-Aid covered one gives me the most trouble. I can get it to where it's only noticeable if you stare at my face too long, so I know to avoid eye contact as much as I can until it heals.

I go to put my favorite lipstick on and realize that it's red as well. The warnings go through my head again, and I frown. I really have to go shopping if I can't wear my favorite color anymore. That'll have to wait until after work, however, so I throw the red lipstick back into my purse and try to figure out what color to get when I go shopping.

I pack everything back up and hide my bags under the bed to hide them. Not the safest place in the world, I know, but at least they aren't out in the open. I grab my purse and keys, hooking my work key onto my key ring. I had planned to do it last night, but that obviously didn't happen.

Walking out to my car, my eyes dart around me to make sure nothing and no one is going to jump out at me. I know I probably look like a paranoid schizophrenic, but I can't help it. The fear that Kyle is going to find me at any given moment and drag me back is still running high. I don't even want to think about what would happen if my sperm donor found me.

I stop by a small store on the way to work and grab the cheapest phone I can find. I don't need anything fancy, just something that can allow me to communicate with work, and not be traced by anyone. I pay for it with my cash and get the unlimited minutes for the month before I head back out to the car. I put work's phone number into the phone and shove the phone into my purse. I'll tell them my new number when I get there.

Pulling up to the large gate, I show my ID badge to the security guards, and they wave me on through. I drive across the lot and pull into my parking space. Turning the car off, I take a moment to myself. Please, let today be better than yesterday. I hope Kyle doesn't show up here at my work to try and drag me back. That would be embarrassing, and I wouldn't even know what to do. Would I be locked up for defending myself and hurting Kyle as I escape?

I sigh and look into the rearview mirror as I look at my face one more time. I have done all that I can to cover my wounds without making it extremely obvious, and I hope it works. I really don't want to have to explain to anyone why it looks like I got in a fight with Batman.

With one last sigh to my face, I turn and grab my coat from the back, get out of the car and throw it on. I clip my ID badge on, and grab my purse, locking the car as I head for the front steps. I have my first meetings today with my patients, and I need to have my head in the game and focus. I can't get lost in my head like I did yesterday.

Cash smiles kindly at me as I scan my way through the security doors, and I wave at him in greeting. He's, so far, the only person that I've had the pleasure of meeting here and seems to be genuinely nice to everyone. He's a good man, and I'm glad I get the chance to be friends with him even if we just met the day before.

On the way to my office, I get lost twice and have to ask for directions from the few staff members walking through the halls. I was here yesterday, how am I already failing at figuring my way around? I seriously need to draw myself a map or something. Huffing in frustration, I finally find my office and get inside. My morning is already turning into a failure, and I haven't even started with my job here.

I close the door behind me and head over to my desk, putting my purse on top as I sit down. I open the bottom right drawer and stick my purse inside, then grab my planner with all my meetings scheduled in it. Flipping through the pages, I get to today's date, November 6th, and look at the meeting times.

My two high-risk session times are back-to-back, worrying me a bit, and I grab the files from the filing cabinets. With the files tucked tightly into my arm, I grab my notebook that I plan to write everything down in, and head out of my office, locking the door behind me.

I don't even know if I'm allowed to take the files with me, but I'm showing up ten minutes early to my first meeting. I want to study the files a bit more and be prepared for any surprises that just might come my way.

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