Chapter 22

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Harleen's POV

I'm sitting in the break room, drinking coffee and playing with my ID card. I just got out of the Medical Wing with the order to drink and eat something. My body is all stitched and cleaned up with new bandages around my stomach. They had asked me questions, but I just said that a random patient had broken free of the guards and did this to me. They didn't believe me, but they took the excuse all the same.

As I sit there, my mind wonders off to the session I had with the girl a little over an hour ago. What would it be like to meet the Clown Prince himself? What is he like in person? Would he be like Kyle, or would he be worse than that?

They did tell you that Joker's not as bad as Kyle, or did you forget that part?

"I didn't forget, but I also don't want to judge him based on what other people say. I'll form my own opinion if I ever meet him." I tell her, happy to be the only person in the break room right now. I love being able to talk to her freely without risking getting locked up.

My curiosity eats at me, and I have to fight the urge to go find the crazed man. I want to satisfy my curiosity, but I'm not sure I can handle the consequences. If I thought I could, I'd march right into his cell block and straight up to his cell.

So, do that. You want to meet him, right?

"I really do want to meet him." I tell her as I drink the last of my coffee and throw the cup away. Just as I'm about to go stomping my way to what surely is my death, two guards walk in with Dr. Smith. The guards are laughing about something, and I hide along the wall to avoid being seen as I try to slowly make my way to the door. I really don't have the energy to deal with Smith and his hatred for me wearing red.

"Poison Ivy asked what?!" Dr. Smith whisper shouts at the guards, and this catches my attention. What did Ivy ask for when I just seen her before getting fixed up? It has to be something shockingly hilarious judging by their faces, and I lean in to try to hear them better.

"I said, Poison Ivy just asked Danial to tell Dr. Quinzel to meet Joker." The guards start laughing again as I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Can you imagine her meeting Joker? She's so tiny and defenseless."

Uh, excuse the fuck out of us. We are not defenseless, and so what if we're sort of tiny?

Ignoring her, I stand there baffled by what Ivy had requested of me. Wasn't she telling me earlier to stay as far away from him as possible? Her and Selina both did, so why is she requesting me to meet him? What changed and why? What was it that both of them were arguing about? I can just barely remember them talking about Joker and someone else.

My curiosity runs full speed as I smile widely, and the fact that I'm wearing red leaves my mind completely as I quickly sneak out of the room. I make it into the hall without being seen as questions fill my mind. Why did she change her mind? Did Selina say something? Did Joker say something to her??

I speed walk down the hall as I look for someone that can help me get a session with Joker. I need to get the answers to my questions. Why would she tell me to avoid Joker then request me to meet him? Did Joker ask her to do this?

I don't think so. Joker doesn't strike me as the person to ask others for anything that he can clearly get on his own.

'Okay, then that brings me to my next question.' I ask her mentally. 'Did Ivy really ask for me to meet him, or did Smith start that rumor to throw me off my game? I am doing better than him.'

I doubt that. He looked genuinely shocked by the news, so I'm betting Ivy did ask. But that just brings us back to square one.

"What on earth is with today being the most fucked up day of the year?" I mumble to myself, and the voice in my head shrugs her shoulders in response. She doesn't know either and I huff in frustration.

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