Chapter 26: Kate Thatcher

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Bear hates me, but at least he's smart enough to follow my directions. He knows that I know this place better than he does. I did grow up here, and he's never been here before so that's kind of obvious. I wave him forward and up the back steps of the house. 

The lock is easier to pick from the back, and I'm not entirely sure it's smart of us to just strut through the front door with guns in our hands. I reach into my back pocket and pull out my lock-picking tool. 

Bear keeps watch as I break into the back door, knowing that the alarm will go off. Now that we're inside, it'll only draw my father out from whatever room he's in. His security team will also come after us, but that we can handle. 

I'm the best trained out of any one of them, and I know their moves having trained with them for so many years, so I'm not too worried about that part of it. My father always has a trick up his sleeve though. That's what I'm mostly concerned about. 

It's weird that I'm back here, and the reason I am is to kill my father. It's just an odd feeling. I can't focus on that though, I need to keep my head in the game. This isn't the time to reflect on old memories.

Bear walks into the house first, scanning the area before waving me inside with a flick of his fingers. I back him up as we make our way through the first floor of the house and take down anyone who tries to get in our way. 

We don't care about the noise we're making anymore, knowing that everyone has already been alerted that we entered the house from the second we opened the back door. There's no point in hiding now. That wouldn't do us any good. 

If we're here to take down my father, we want him to come to us, and he won't if we don't create chaos. Which I can firmly say that we have. 

I hear the slightly panicked voices of part of my father's security team, and I creep behind them, slamming the butt of my gun onto the back of their heads. I didn't kill them, but they're going to be incapacitated for a little bit.

I feel pressure behind me, but I don't have to worry when I get a whiff of Bear's Old Spice.

"Your father's in the hallway."

"The one we just came out of?"


I hate hearing his harsh voice directed toward me. I can't do anything about it right now. It's not worth my time, and I need to put my energy into other things, but it kills me to hear him talk this way to me. It wasn't my intention to hurt him or his family. 

I might not have liked children but that doesn't mean I wanted to physically hurt them. And yes, I lied. I probably shouldn't have lied, but I thought I was doing what was right. I didn't know that it would be this big of a deal. Beings grow through emotional turmoil. 

Children are resilient, and they'll be fine with love and support. I have only known them for three days. What did he think was going to happen? That I was going to stay with him forever? That I would change my entire plans because of him? 

It just seems a little unrealistic having just met the man. I don't know what he wants from me. Well, that's partly wrong. I do know what he wants me to do in the next ten minutes. I know his end goal. It won't be enough to solve any of our interpersonal conflicts, not in the way he thinks it will. 

I hate this. I fucking hate this. I hate what's happening, and I hate how fucked up this is.

"Kate, it's time," he speaks lowly into my ear.

"You keep fucking saying that, and I know, Bear. I know it's time. But you're not the one who's about to kill their father."

"It's your fucking fault, Kate. This was your plan all along. Follow through with something."

Bear: Devil's Rose MC #7Where stories live. Discover now